I’d love to see something created within the budget of $500.00 that even compares.
Personally I feel you're either being completely dishonest or you don't actually know much about the game development scene, otherwise you wouldn't even make that comment. And honestly, if you could actually do what you say ... you wouldn't be spending time arguing back and forth with me on this topic. You'd be working on creating "the biggest blockchain game in the industry" and just prove me wrong in 4-10 years.
But you're not, you're choosing to badly argue points with responses that can be easily debunked, which only further confirms my suspicions about what exactly it is you're up to here. If you knew anything about game development you would know I could easily debunk what you've said about your supposed $300,000 already spent and your statement above about $500 budget not comparing to what you've shown.
You would know what you've stated is so off the mark that you wouldn't make that statement. But instead, you're coming across as someone who's simply trying to rug the Hive Community with some bullshit that you weren't expecting anyone to call you out on. But I'm bored since everything is going m00n and I don't have to watch my positions as closely.
If you actually knew anything about what you're talking about you'd know you can buy full Unity game code for much less than $500. For $100 you can get full game source for a working game that looks better than what you've provided for us to look at to date.
Spend a few grand and you can get some really slick looking stuff ready to go. Just slap your clients logo in it, change a few variables to make it appear that "you" created it and you can con just about anyone into thinking you actually know how to develop a game or mobile app from scratch!
Unity Full Game Source under $500
Or just do a web search for "white label games" for hundreds of companies and individuals offering complete game source code for n00b developers to modify and claim "I did this!". You can get them from $20 and up. The more you spend, the better the game. But for $500 you can get some really slick games (better than your trailer) that are complete.
These are just a few examples. There are many more sites out there to purchase code for the n00b developer or person looking to make a quick buck off the unsuspecting clients thinking they're getting some gaming company creating their unique game or mobile app, versus just slapping the clients logo and text in existing cheap source code and charging the client an exorbitant amount for the copypasta job.
Limit your search to under $500 and see what you find! Pick the best you see, then test the game out for yourself. Then show us what you have that's better than these $500 or less games and prove me wrong. It's that simple bro. It's very easy to prove me wrong.
Responding with easily debunkable comments is not going to work out very well for you here, it's just exposing you for what you appear to be in my eyes.
But I'm probably just helping you out by showing you this. Now you can move to a new chain and perfect your technique and show an actual "alpha version" for a couple of hundred $ and maybe you'll get that $100K out of another Community. Who knows. 🤷♂
I just hope this Community doesn't fall for this, because they've fallen for far too many similar projects to date.
Hell @ats-david and I bought a multiplayer FPS for under $100 that looks better than what you've shown so far. And it's a complete game! No asking for $100,000 either. We gave it away for free to the Community to play and have fun, just like we did all of the other games source we bought and modified to be Hive oriented. In total we put out around 15 games, 2 were Unity based that blow away what you show with your few minutes of footage ... and we spent less than $3,000 and 6 months of time to do all of them with 1 n00b developer, me.
I can confirm. The assets are easy to buy, add, and animate and full games with the ability to customize with your own brand are super cheap. We were even working on building up a bare-bones zombie-killing game where different maps, zombies, cars, animations, and even lighting/shading assets were easily bought and added to the game. And this was when we had almost zero experience with any of it.
What I'm seeing here looks to me like a guy with probably a fake company, fake Yelp reviews, and a cheap Unity asset package trying to take advantage of a community that is desperate for new things. And it appears to me that this is just an attempt to dupe people with "the greatest game ever!" because he's trying to capitalize on the recent Splinterlands hype. I have seen NOTHING that makes me believe this is legit or otherwise worthy of $100K of investment.
Proceed with extreme caution if you're considering giving any money to this. We've seen these big promises in the past and very few, if any, actually delivered. This looks exactly like the rest.
I don’t know where you are getting “fake company” from.
I mean our upwork profile speaks for itself, we’ve been doing this for quite some time.
We’ve earned well over 100k+ from clients we’ve worked with, and that’s only on upwork.
I’m not trying to argue, but why throw out accusations that were addressed in the post above.
I’ve even linked to companies we work with.
In due time we’ll prove you wrong, and I hope eventually you come around.
For now, I think we just have to agree to disagree.
I won’t let it stop us.
I would love to be proven wrong about stuff like this. The problem is...it hasn't happened in 5 years on this chain.
Do it!
We will.
Just because it hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean it never will.
I’d rather not speak with you about this anymore, but what you’re saying is irrational.
You’ve come out of no where throwing accusations at myself, and my company.
I’m not sure what you’re seeing in these “$500.00” premade games that are so amazing, but it looks like you cracked the code. No one will ever have to pay for a full game anymore, we’ll just go to the asset store.
Everything you have said so far is purely opinion.
We’ve shown nothing that has been deceptive.
If you don’t like the game, or can make a better one. Do it.
That would be great, and I would support you.
It’s just really off putting that you’ve taken a full vendetta, when we’ve never spoken.