I’d rather not speak with you about this anymore, but what you’re saying is irrational.
I bet you don't and I don't blame you. If I were doing what you appear to be doing, I wouldn't like me doing what I'm doing either.
BTW, I thought this was an "open book" "Ask Me Anything" post. Why are you downvoting my comments and questions? Why are you trying to hide my questions? 🤔
Facts != irrational.
We’ve shown nothing that has been deceptive.
You listed Maksim Bugrimov's assets under your Upwork Portfolio page as if it was your work. Maskim himself has confirmed to me via email that those were his assets and not your companies work.
And now ... suddenly, you've removed them. I wonder why? 🤔
Everything you have said so far is purely opinion.
Well, that's not going to go over very well with your legal counsel. You've just rekt their (unwinnable) case against me.
However, you posted Maksim Bugrimov's assets on your company Portfolio page leading clients to believe it was your work. He has confirmed this via email. If someone was about to get sued and lose ... it might be you. 😉
BTW, removing the images of someone else's work on your company Portfolio page after you've been called out doesn't exactly scream "I'm legitimate!".
The images you've replaced them with aren't helping your case much either tbh. Just more assets from others. Some are even photoshopped from one asset screenshot onto another.
In this one from your Upwork "Portfolio" page, you've copypasta'd the work of VineBranch and apparently are trying to convince people this is from your "Portfolio" of work. The problem is, you made it easy to spot because you forgot to at least change the name of the asset once you loaded it into Unity. 😂 n00b mistake.
Here is the actual creator of this work ...
All you've done is load the asset into Unity and screenshot it as if you've created this and it's your "Portfolio". To me, this is simply fraud and I'll make VineBranch aware of this as I did the last content creators work you tried to claim as your own and have now removed. I expect this will be removed soon as well. Soon you're going to have to actually create something on your own bro.
Be warned though, I've got enough money, attorneys & autism to sit around bored calling out your bullshit for a long time. Flagging me is not going to help your cause, but be my guest!
I'll just keep coming back with more receipts & truth bombs for you and the Community. Don't believe me? Ask around! I'm like an 11 on the autism knob and I can spot bullshit projects in crypto when I see them. I've been around awhile now, I didn't just "come out of no where." 😉
You’re not comparing the right thing.
These assets have been used for clients in the past, and they are ones that had chose them to be used.
It’s what our clients budget has allowed.
That’s besides the point, just be with us on this journey. Eventually you’ll be on our side, and we are here for the community.
It will just take a little longer to convince you.