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RE: An Important Message To Those Suffering Through The 2120 Pandemic

Take care of yourself! I have an updated gym and equipment to get through the winters, biked in the spring/summer/fall, and walked a lot. I also worked a lot, a real lot, so I needed to care for myself. Interestingly enough, I was thinking the same thing about friends, I lost a few, and gained a few, but, mostly stayed pretty stable. But, my kids took a real hit. People got closer to their families and ditched their friends. That is pretty cool. We sort of needed that.

Keep in touch with the family, especially if you live away. My sisters and brothers finally learned to zoom! How lazy are they? But, we have continued and I love it.

Find ways to relax. Meditate. Exercise. Pamper yourself. Get proper sleep.

Stress less. It really helps.


All great advice! Exercise played a huge role in keep me sane. We live in a multi-story condo building and I climbed for twenty minutes, two times every day during the winter and cycled when it was warm enough. Unfortunately we've lost number of few friends (or maybe they're still uneasy about socializing?). It seems like people get stressed about making plans or commitments to get together, I'm hoping this comes to an end.