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RE: An Important Message To Those Suffering Through The 2120 Pandemic

After witnessing what I did in those two nursing homes my father was in I'd say I have to agree. Both were owned by the same corporation and when my Dad went into the first one to be rehabilitated from a car accident they were putting all of the patients in the same small room for hours a day. Mind you, this was during the height of the Covid epidemic. Of course, Covid swept through and infected a large amount of them. When they were infected they were transported to facility #2 where all Covid patients were housed.

I can't even think about what we witnessed at the second one for too long. By the second day my Father wasn't even recognizable because of the bloating. They weren't even getting the most basic of care in there. We found out later the government incentivized those institutions by paying them for each patient in their care who had Covid, then they received more money if the patient died from Covid in their care and it was on the death certificate. Combine that with blanket immunity from litigation and it gets the mind working.

The more rational part of my brain always kicks in before I go too far down this rabbit hole but my wife and I have discussed several times how it seems like an orchestrated effort to reduce the amount of Social Security recipients. I hope I'm wrong about that.


I do not think you are wrong at all. I am so sorry you had to suffer through all that!
The stats on covid deaths or cases were artificially inflated so that medical entities, which would have gone out of business during the covid marlarkey, could instead thrive. They profited from hastening deaths, the more the better. I'm sure it was difficult to care for patients with all the measures they had to try to comply with as well, but I have no doubt that many of those patients would have lived, had they not been treated as they were. When people complain that covid did all this damage to our healthcare, our schools, our children, our small businesses, and our financial systems, I have to point out that covid harmed none of those things. The inane, obviously harmful and completely unjustified covid measures did the harm. I just hope the next time governments worldwide tell us to harm ourselves, many many more of us will say "NO!"

Thank you, I know thousands of other families had to endure similar experiences. Maybe some day there will be some legal recourse to make them pay (not that this would bring our loved ones back). Good point, the fear instilled in us is what caused the most harm. Unfortunately humanity has a very short memory when it comes to things like this, I guess this is one reason I wanted to create Blockchain Memory Project.