Excellent idea that we can create a community that will serve to gather information for posterity. I am really worried about that "crystal" generation that is emerging because I don't know if they have the adaptability that generation X has. These days I was listening to a girl who said that she was extremely bothered by demonstrations of affection and I wondered if she would know the importance of a hug, a kiss, for the physical, mental and emotional development of the human being. That is why we should appreciate the little things, from the air we breathe to the kiss we give to our loved ones. Maybe in the not so distant future, young people will not believe that we touched each other to show our feelings, that people hugged and kissed to greet each other. But yes: people did that and it was nice. Big hugs to you, @ericvancewalton. I loved this work and I think I will talk about it with my friends.
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Thank you! I sometimes worry about the fragility of the younger generations too. I notice some have a very difficult time with rejection or hearing the word "no" in a professional setting. As you said too, some of them have grown up using digital devices and haven't had as much human contact and affection. That really makes a huge difference in what kind of person you grow up to be. Being able to handle rejection, not feeling utterly defeated when you hear the word "no", and the ability to communicate and connect on a human level are all such important components of success. Thanks again, Nancy! I should have the community created within the next few days. I hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend!
Likewise, Eric. I know it will be an excellent community if it has as moderators prepared and sensitive people like you. From the little I know about you, I know that you will succeed in this new project. My support to you