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RE: Blockchained: The End of Financial Freedom

midwives still work in hospitals but they won't come to the mother's homes any longer. I don't know when this is going to be over totally but more and more free midwives drop out of service and get engaged at hospitals or stop working in their profession at all. The C-section rate here in Hamburg is at 36 %! Women themselves believe that they have to be cut open when "worries come up and interventions have to be taken". Which is either violence or C-section. Talk about "risks" and "liability issues". Talk of shareholders.

In other countries, it's better for the midwives because the insurance charges are solidarily taken care of. Here, the midwives have to pay on their own the high fees. That is ridiculous!

Well, I can't do anything about it other than to inform the mothers to be. I will wear me out by helping my friends and family to get the feeling that one cares for them. They rely on me the older I get and that is something which takes energy on one hand and gives meaning on the other hand. Here, many friends are desperately lonely. And I feel lonely, too, despite my many duties. I really search for the Sangha as I do need guidance and exchange in the scholarly topics of theology and religion and ethics. I do need someone who is "smarter" and calmer than me when the going gets tough.

Around the corner, there is a Buddhist center but from what I smell they aren't really open and it's like they are hiding somehow. Maybe I should give it a try. I got one member to know and I didn't like her, she even lives there and gunfire talked to me even though she didn't know me well. That made me suspicious of this "holiness" of hers. She started to work for the institution where I give hours once a week and I told them that she'll not make it for she is the type of person to eat the cake and want it, too.

Oh, I am bad. I am talking behind her back.

Sorry, but these days I got so ANGRY!!

Thank you for giving me an ear.

Yes, my mother did it right. Very much so. Would you tell me your real name? Or don't you like it to be said here?

P.S. What you said about young males and initiation: YES!! That is so badly needed. Where are the males to teach them? I was talking to my brother about it and I think he did not understand what I meant.