Doubleplusgood story! Somehow I have a feeling your Gamma ray 1138 will spend eternity alone - surely thought crime can/would be eliminated in the new world - the world we live in so many words are already banned, we're just a step up away from New Speak and that makes thought crime impossible.
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Thank you @ladyrebecca I really appreciate the kind words and support .. I'm looking forward to sitting down and reading many of these entries (including yours) over the weekend, the standard is always so high.
In terms of Gamma ray 1138 I think you may be right but to quote Martin Luther King, Jr. "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
I certainly agree with what you're saying in relation to thought crime and the population being completely conditioned and controlled .. but equally from my perspective there will always remain that hardcore 5 - 10% that will never fully submit. Like the people that can't be hypnotised or those that instantly see through the illusion and propaganda that's become so prevelant in this world .. some spirits will never be broken.
The era of newspeak grows closer with each passing day .. it's almost surreal to behold .. the way people are policing themselves. Equally it really appears to be gathering pace. Thanks again for the support and comment.
Yes, people controlling the way they talk, what is appropriate to say - it is noticeable.
I only wish you are right and some will not submit.