Sometimes posting for rewards feels like I am just feeding the dragon.
Everything ends up in tricklenomics inevitably to one person. Either whoever is currently on top, or the guy with the master plan to secure that spot forever.
The handful of honchos vying for that position (and doing unmentionable deals under the sheets together) are still on their soapboxes preaching how they are the ones who will save Hive from the corruption of the masses. "Freedom is dangerous, vote for Palpatine." Not always as charming as that, but the same jist. So hypocritical.
So is the way in every land.
Carve out what you can, while you can, I figure.
Nobody can currently stop anyone from writing to the Hive Blockchain, so take advantage of using it as obscenely or less than the worst unchallenged offenders. The masses currently outweigh the fatty few.
Well that NAILS IT! -