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RE: Subject: FW: STEEMIT.COM buyout! Effective Immediately.

in #blockcorp9 years ago

To: Renee Nouveau
From: Domingo Kryptik
Subject: Quick Question


Does this have anything to do with the office plants?

How many times do I have to tell you people that I didn't piss on Fred's stupid little bonzai tree?! Jesus.

I suspect who you really should be mad at is Brenda. Brenda and her fucking "she-wee". Seriously does anyone like that lady? Always galavanting around, telling everyone how to do their jobs. I don't tell her how to sit around and stare out the window or look up cat memes all day.

Anyway, I'll be in the break area "repurposing" lunches as I forgot mine.

Have a good day!
Domingo Kryptik
Senior Vice Antagonist


From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Quick QuestionTo: Domingo Kryptik @kryptik

Well, your email was more of an incoherent rant than a question. This is the first I've heard of the bonsai incident. Bonsai trees are culturally insensitive plants and are restricted from all but our Tokyo offices. Fred has been made redundant in the merger with, but be sure to have Stu Anarchyhasnogods to go and check to make sure this illegal tree has been properly destroyed.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division