Medical digitization — new standards with BlockHealth

in #blockhealth7 years ago (edited)

Our aim is to help every user to handle their own health data correctly, to use them intelligently and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Today we will introduce you how health data can be stored with the BlockHealth App and what the great added value will be when using our platform.

“No matter what age group or level of education the user belongs to, the user experience should be intuitive and self-explanatory”.
These were the requirements of co-founder and managing director Fabian Aschauer when he developed the platform concept together with doctors, nursing staff and UX Designer.

Adding health data

Storing of health data with BlockHealth is not only easy, it is also designed in such a way that no relevant information is lost. The anatomical assignment of the findings allows instances along the supply chain to find the findings relevant to them with a single click. Of course, only if the user also grants read permission. By adding tags you can also assign your health data internally as you wish.

Assigning read authorizations to the doctor

The integrity of your health data and your privacy are particularly important to us. That is why we always follow two basic principles:

You alone decide who can see which of your health data.
Every medical authority along the supply chain should be able to obtain a holistic picture of the patient’s state of health within a very short time. BlockHealth will be able to assist the patient in releasing findings from the right subject area for reading. However, the patient always has the upper hand.
