Taking EOS to startups

Last week, the EOS Argentina team meet with Nxtplabs, the most active Venture Capital of Latin America. Nxtplabs is a pioneer fund that invests in more than 190 companies, it currently has within its portfolio blockchain related companies such as RSK Labs, Bitpagos, Rippio, Signature, BTCtrip, among others.


Matias Romeo and Martin Fernandez explained the EOS blockchain platform to a group of entrepreneurs interested in working on EOS and in the development of Dapps. To illustrate the new categories of startups on blockchain, the Steemit social network was presented, showing the potential of the new autonomous and decentralized companies.


"We have to rethink business models: before, the structure was offline, today it is online, tomorrow we must think onchain. We must start now to build that tomorrow." -Matias Romeo.