Now, this is a proposal I support!
Also is there a way to increase diversity of the accepted proposals. I mean add a variety: classes of proposal
- Development related
- Community related
- Long term
- Short term
- Hive promotion in regional communities
- Small project financing
These are in no particular order, just my quick brain dump.
Also can we have a clear view regarding open-source and closed-source.
One way we could do the above "cheaply" is to create a "recommended template" for proposals. For example, at the head of each proposal post, proposers could fill in the answers to standard questions like : opensource software, closedsource software, marketing, community management, charity, and others you mentioned.
This wouldn't allow the interfaces to sort the proposals, but it would make it easier to get a "feeling" for the proposal before diving deep into it (some of the current proposals I've seen can be hard to understand). A larger step would be to allow for proposals to contain meta data for this type of information, but it's probably better to start with the template approach and see how it goes.
I like the idea of 'recommended templates' for proposals - this way everyone has a guideline for what information to provide instead of the rambling proposals we sometimes get now :D And the community could use these templates to ask further questions if some info isn't provided.
I'm working on a draft template tonight, I'll publish one tomorrow for discussion in the new community. We may want to have several templates, depending on the "type" of the proposal, but I'll start with a somewhat generic one.
I think this is really a good idea. Thanks!
That's a great idea. I like it.
Basic stuff like milestones and reporting policies should also be stated!A good idea here by @azircon for a template. Maybe it should have sections that can can be scored on points.
Great idea on making a few templates.
I like the idea of a higher cost. People can ask for an extra dollar a day to cover it....and yes I eant to see this level of accountability.
Another idea is to improve polling features for Yes and No questions.
I personally feel really strong about number 6. I say this because it’s because of important small projects that we have new and well vetted members joining the community.