A lot of our customers have been asking for us to find a way to re-enable selling their Steem to our site, so we’re going to re-open our service under a new account called silly-einstein and see how it goes.
The Steem witnesses claimed that they froze the funds under our “blocktrades” account to “protect the network”. It’s hard to imagine how the silly-einstein account can threaten the network (it’s only got 3 Steem Power), so we’ll see if they leave it alone.
Since we can’t be sure they will not block this new account as well, we’ve setup our system to periodically remove the Steem that is deposited to the account. This means that we will only be able to buy Steem, not sell it, since we can’t maintain a reasonable size inventory of Steem in the account.
Be sure you send to silly-einstein account, not to blocktrades account
The new Steem service works just like the old one, except you can only sell us Steem, not buy it from us, and you must send to silly-einstein, not blocktrades on the Steem network. Any funds sent to the blocktrades account on Steem are not accessible to us.
For how long will you support selling steem for hive?
We don't really know, as it depends on factors outside of our control. Hopefully we can continue at least until everyone that wants to powerdown can complete that process.
Who is buying the STEEM and selling the HIVE? With the vast majority of users dumping STEEM for HIVE, I'm curious what is supporting the STEEM price? IMO any time you can exchange < 1 STEEM for > 1 HIVE, that's an incredible deal and escape from the Tron takeover.
Is Justin Sun deploying huge amounts of capital to prevent a STEEM price collapse? Are trading bots buying STEEM without any awareness of the Hive migration? Are there any whales that actually think STEEM is a good investment right now? Anyone have any ideas?
It's a good question, but it's nice that someone is :-)
Maybe the guy that downvoted your comment is one of the buyers (although I thought Steem-supporters don't like downvotes).
dein-problem literally means your problem, and is harassing lots of people. I would not worry about him.
I wasn't worried about him, more laughing about him, honestly speaking.
haha looks like @dein-problem also downvotes you, although the downvote doesn't hurt too bad. @dein-problem's profile links to https://downvotecontrol.com/. Not sure what that is. @dein-problem care to explain?
My guess is that people are anticipating HIVE to dump in value again pending some dick move Justin can and probably will attempt.
yeah I think we got to prepare for both possibilities: lower Hive prices and higher Hive prices. At any point however, Sun may run out of resources or declare defeat. Have some lowball Hive orders on the books with a portion of your Steem, swap the rest at any reasonable exchange rate.
Hooray! )
I exchanged some steem to hive. thank you blocktrades for making it easy for us
Amazing. BlockTrades is definitely the simplest way to get rid of Steem. I'm happy you came up with this idea! 😄
I'm sp happy with this new because I have nowhere to go in selling steem. Thanks for bringing it back, and by the way you know that the power down takes longer weeks before it fully done. Are you planning to operate the steem forever or for a longer time?
Massive thank yous for this, @blocktrades. MUCH appreciated.
Well Played sir!
Hello, I sold my 1200 steem for ltc but it said fail. It was sent to silly-einstein. How can I get my coins?
Please help
I just had to transfer Steem to BitShares to sell SteemRudex to use Blocktrades to convert BTS to HIVE. Lol. If I had only known.
There's also hive engine
also ionomy
A huge hug from @amico! 🤗
Still shows up as under maintenance for me.
Check the revision number and see if it matches screenshot. If it doesn't, you may be running an old version of the site. You also may need to do a refresh (F5).
On the same one, tried a different browser and my phone as well and its all the same.
Ok, fixed now.
Looks, good. Thanks for brining it back up. Going to be using you again now to get some of my powerdowns out.
Actually, it's showing maintenance for me now too, will check it out.
Finally!!!! Thanks!!!
Says: This coin is under maintenance.
Yep, looked good when we first restarted, then showed under maintenance right after I made the post :-) But it's fixed now.
thanks a lot 😊
Thanks for re-opening this!
Good news. Thank you much. It is mean everything come to be normal again.
I go try it 👀👌😋😋😋
A lot easier than all this !!
We need to lobby all exchanges to add STEEM-HIVE and SBD-HBD pairs... Also, it would be useful to have STEEM-SBD and HIVE-HBD pairs....
Totally agree! Being added to exchanges is super bullish!!
Big win right here! 👍👍 now lets see what happens.
Ace news!
Glad to see this connection up and running again... let's hope it lasts!
@arabisouri :D ur fav exchange is back
Great News ....
Wow...that was extremely painless and convenient. Thanks for the assist.
many thanks!
Really appreciate the service of Directly exchanging STEEM. Thank you.
great news! Thanks a lot for this 👍🏻
Still not available in NY, or can you make an exception?
I wish we could. But it's a NY regulation, it's out of our hands.
All good, thanks for the reply. There's a bunch of apps/exchanges that operate in every other state, just not here. NY has shit crypto laws.
Great news.
*Reward adjustment
Great news ! :) I like it simple. Using ionomy.com was ok ... but this is the best way for me.
Great news, thank you for your efforts!
Perfect! Just used the service again, thanks BlockTrades
I can't believe they are still freezing your funds.. geez.
Anyway thanks for the workaround!
What is required for basic signup, to convert small amounts of tokens?
just an email account
YAY ! it was difficult when steem-> hive wasn't available anymore.
Man, that sounds solid...Silly-Einstein :p
And just when i got some Steem to Ionomy :)
How much BTC for 1 Steem does Silly Einstein offer me? ;)
I'm so grateful! I instantly exchanged my powerdowned steem to hive! Last week I used BitTrex, exchanged a steem amount to Bitcoin, and transferred into my BTC wallet, but haven't got it yet. I think it's lost!
I have been warning about Bittrex since it was split to US and EU versions... There was clear signs that some of the staff had shady backgrounds... I quickly did withdraw all coins I could from there... It's quite sad that it has become shit exchange like HitBTC where big traders play and watch smaller traders lose their coins.
Let’s dumping now Steem for our love hive
Can I transfer from my Steem account to @silly-einstein, directly?
(I have 1146 Steem)
You need to get a memo from our site too.
Thanks, for getting back to me. Sorry, I'm not very tech-savvy. Can I, please, ask you to break it down for me, step-by-step, so I don't make any foolish mistakes? Thank you🙂
On this page, look for the section called "Trading Steem/SBD" (last section on page): https://blocktrades.us/en/support/home/help/trading
Just tried and got error message: Missing Active Authority silly-einstein
It sounds like you're trying to send from silly-einstein. You should be sending from your account
yahialababidi to silly-einstein
Yay, it worked :) Thank you, for your patience & being there!
hurra, but and the steem dollars?
Probably simplest thing to do is convert them to Steem, then sell the Steem.
By convert, do you mean the internal market?
Converting is slow, internal market is faster
I actually meant the convert function that uses the blockchain for the conversion, but the internal market is another option. I rarely use the internal market, because I usually need to convert a lot at once, but it probably works ok for smaller amounts.
Thank you, I'm going to try this :)
This is great. Hopefully, it holds out and allows me time to dump.
A great appreciation for you to do this. Earlier I did try with the new poleneix. It's pretty hard.. Thanks alot blocktrades.. super thumbs up... =)
Great! Today is my 1st day on Hive. Thank you for this info. Pls keep us updated!
Had been using bittrex before.
Thanks for restarting steem-hive pair.
I love how quick your service is.