I think the jury's out on democracies, since I suppose we've never had a true democracy to my knowledge (yes, I hear some people try to argue that California functions that way, but I never find their argument terribly convincing). In my opinion a republic (i.e. a representative democracy) like what we have in the US is quite a different animal.
Technology is finally reaching the point where it might be possible to experiment with true democracies, but I think it's unlikely to happen in a major country because of inertia and automated responses people have like "it'll be mob rule".
I'm personally interested in what kind of structures could be setup for a "modern democracy" based off improved decision making that's possible with widespread access to computer technology.
My feeling is that we will see such democracies form in the future, but via associations formed via member consensus, that will exist as super-national entities where the members still reside in "nation states".
Cryptocurrency communites are, in my opinion, one initial form that such associations can take (although they're frequently not democratic, they are do form via member consensus).
My long term hope is that exploration of such communities will lead us to discover new and better forms of government based off democratic principles that ultimately displace existing governments based on narrow-minded nation state boundaries.
Don't get me wrong here. I totally agree with your point of view but I think that our so-called western society is just not ready yet. We're still many, many years away. The third-world countries are even further.
Just look at the farse with the US or any elections. And yet 90% of people follow their crap.
Thank you for your response and time.
You're a great asset to steem community.
Thanks for writing this comment @blocktrades I have thought about blockchains like Steem, and their possible role in creating new forms of Governmemt.
I am not sure that Steem or any of the other blockchains will ultimately lead to new forms of Government, but I think it's possible, and I'm intrigued with the idea of it 😊
This is exactly what sparked my interest in DPOS. My trading of some BTC for STEEM was not done as an investment but to have a greater voice/stake in this social experiment.
Because of this philosophical alignment my support for @lukestokes.mhth has been re-assigned to @blocktrades.
Obviously my Dolphin vote is not going to make or break you; yet it is my feeling that the greater the individual votes a witness has (as opposed to stake) affords a witness greater credability.
Readers are invited to decern for themselves that premise in the following link...
Thanks for your vote, they are always appreciated, regardless of the stake weight.
On the topic of consensual organizations, we're just beginning to look at development of a new kind of reputation system that I think may help make such cooperation become more efficient. It's too early to say much about it yet, as it's in a very earlier design phase and we haven't even started writing any code, but I hope to have something to report in a few months on the progress.
Will be following with interest. 👍