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RE: Steem support disabled on BlockTrades until nature of unknown softfork is determined

in #blocktrades5 years ago

I know in your recent series of posts you covered the legality of a hardfork or softfork blocking transactions from an account and pretty much stated it was not illegal for anyone to run any version of code. I am curious in this case with JSun controlling a single stake that has voted all the participating witnesses to consensus, if that changes the legality by making Steem essentially a security now that could be regulated under US law?


To be honest, I'm not sure. Securities law isn't a simple thing. Just the act of buying up a large supply of a coin definitely doesn't make it a security.

So my first guess is "no, it's not a security" still.

But there are various nuances here, so I'll leave this to the lawyers to waste their time thinking about. I've got more useful things to build :-)

Hey that is a great attitude :) On to bigger and better things. Cheers