[Esp-Ing] Receta: Delicioso pastel de calabaza - Recipe: Delicious Pumpkin Cake 🎂 ❀

in #blocktrades ‱ 3 years ago (edited)
Hola bella comunidad #Hive đŸ€—!! Hoy comparto una vez mas otra receta casera, un delicioso pastel de calabaza, auyama o zapallo, especial para compartir en familia. Lo mas resaltante es que este pastel es muy saludable, facil y economico.😘

Hello beautiful community #Hive đŸ€— !! Today I share once again another homemade recipe, a delicious pumpkin pie, squash or squash, special to share with the family. The most remarkable thing is that this cake is very healthy, easy and inexpensive.😘


Ingredientes que utilice:

Âș 30g de auyama.
Âș 500g de Harina trigo leudante
Âș 300 g de azucar.
Âș 3 Huevos.
Âș 250 g de Mantequilla.
Âș Polvo hornear
Âș Vainilla.
Âș Sal.

Ingredients you use:
Âș 30g of pumpkin.
Âș 500g of self-rising wheat flour
Âș 300 g of sugar.
Âș 3 Eggs.
Âș 250 g of Butter.
Âș Baking powder
Âș Vanilla.
Âș Salt


Colocamos en una olla la calabaza a hervir hasta ablandar para asi formar un pure.

Place the squash in a pot to boil until softened to form a puree.




Al tener el pure listo, procedi a mezclar mis ingredientes, comenzando con el azucar, la mantequilla, luego agrege la vainilla, los huevos,el polvo de hornear, la harina de trigo previamente cernido y el pure de auyama.

When I had the puree ready, I proceeded to mix my ingredients, starting with the sugar, the butter, then add the vanilla, the eggs, the baking powder, the previously sifted wheat flour and the squash puree.







Una vez lista la mezcla, la agrege al molde previamente engrasado e harinado, y al horno por 45 minutos aproximadamente.

Once the mixture is ready, add it to the previously greased and floured mold, and to the oven for approximately 45 minutes





Quedando finalmente nuestro delicioso pastel de calabaza listo para ser degustado solo o acompañado con alguna rica bebida...!!!

Finally leaving our delicious pumpkin pie ready to be tasted alone or accompanied with a delicious drink. ... !!!




Gracias por visitar tomarse un tiempo y mirar mi blog. Mil bendiciones...!!!

Thanks for visiting and taking time and looking at my blog. A thousand blessings...!!!

Las fotos son de mi autoria tomadas con mi celular Blu A5L la traduccion del texto la realize utilizando este medio:Trauctor

The photos are of my authorship taken with my Blu A5L cell phone, the translation of the text is done using this medium::Trauctor


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Que delicioso postre, en cuanto a la presentaciĂłn quedĂł genia, me recuerda mucho a las mantecadas.
Saludos linda