Would be nice to see it implemented with Mira, not that I want to slow the release of either update, but if anything is going to go crazy would rather all the craziness happen at the same time to limit my interruption (because the entire blockchain runs around me lol) just my thoughts.
Looks awesome and looking forward to see it implemented.
Was the location and amount of where the funds were coming from ever finalized. Last I heard it was a % of author rewards?
Initially it's just from donations. The plan is that people could then suggest proposals for how to add additional sources once the proposal system is released and stakeholders could vote on those potential funding sources.
Has the code been included to factor in from the pool if necessary?
In a minor way, yes: we have code in there that allows all the inflation for a day to be spent immediately, whereas the built-up budget funds trickle out at a slower rate. But the inflation amount itself is at 0, and there's no code that defines what those inflation sources are. It didn't make sense to try to code it, as there way too many possible options. But we did research what we would have to do to add funding from some of the existing inflation sources, without writing code for it (just because I was doing that before we really even knew what we were going to do as far as the funding mechanism).
I still think you are going to need that code, so hang on to that research ;D