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RE: BlockTrades RocksDB proposal to Steemit

in #blocktrades6 years ago (edited)

The 250K is a drop in the bucket thinking is what got Steemit Inc into the position that it's in now. No thanks. Also you're assuming that you're the only one that can do this or that your code is somehow the best. Let businesses create their own nodes, they can prob find a better solution than yours anyway. We need a lean Steemit Inc that respects its cash reserves.


No, it's not the kind of thinking that got Steemit into the position it's in. In point of fact, if Steemit had taken us up on our earlier offer, the work would have already more than paid for itself by now. The failure was in thinking that the ongoing costs weren't that significant (crypto prices were higher and node operational costs probably didn't look so important that they needed to be addressed in the near term). Also they wanted to keep most of their development in-house, despite not being able to hire enough qualified blockchain programmers internally to address the solution themselves.

We're not the only one that can do this. I do believe we can do this more efficiently than any other party out there, in part because we have one of the largest teams of experienced blockchain programmers out there, and we already have a lot of experience with Steem and rocksdb in particular. Also, we already invested a lot of time in working on this solution as part of the proof-of-concept work, which gives us a further advantage. I don't know of any other company that can say the same.

If you think there's some business that can do this right now, other than Steemit or us, I suggest you contact them and see what they say.

If steem goes to 10c which is easily possible in this bear market, that 250K would be 2.5 million steem. That is not a drop in the bucket.

Maybe it would have been better maybe not it's in the past. I still think is a huge waste of resources, and it would be better to sunset it and make it a wallet, while letting the businesses themselves come up with solutions. Innovation of nodes will def happen a lot faster when steemit stops giving them away for free, because the businesses will be forced to make it profitable themselves. And whichever one succeeds will end up getting the most traffic which means they make the most money.

Just because there isn't a team out there right now that can do it doesn't mean there will be once attention is put to the area.

Btw, experience doesn't matter that much to me. If you look at google, they hire much more based on ability than experience.

this all seems very pessimistic to me. I would say that the proposal is a good one.
There are a lot of "ifs" in your assumption.

Steem holds about 60 million Steem that is at current prices 20 million dollars. So what "if" that 2.5 million goes to blocktrades? they support the community and are here to make the blockchain better. Its not like they are going to dump it on the market??
If by spending 250k they could reduce the cost of running a witness (there are about 200 witnesses out there not counting the backups) that would be saving a lot of people a lot of money. AND they would save Steemit Inc a lot of running expenses that they claim would be roughly won back in a year. Then why the negativity?
And why would steem need to keep their 60 million Steem?? If they can cut costs and cut spending through this solution its a good one. Plus I would say that @blocktrades would be held accountable by Steemit inc and by the community as a whole if they do not deliver and try to take advantage of the whole situation.

There's a lot more "ifs" in hiring blocktrades than not. It's only a promise and no guarantees. Coding software doesn't always go as planned. I see it like this either

  1. Pay up to 2.5 million steem for a hope

  2. dramatically reduce costs and let the businesses innovate for themselves and focus on what steemit inc does best

I go for option 2. I would never want to put the success of steemit inc or steem itself into the hands of one 3rd party. talk about centralization. doesn't waste that much resources, it's the api that pretty much powers nearly the whole ecosystem.