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RE: Testnet for Steem proposals is live and ready for testing

We hope that some of the user interface frontends will quickly add support for proposals so that it becomes easier to visualize how the proposal system works in practice.


You know that there's now a system to turn HOPES into action . You can even make PROPOSALS!

I bet a site like @steempeak would make it happen they seem to be the only ones developing useful features. But how does Steem Proposal handle two different people wanting to complete a proposal?


A proposal not only describes the work, it also describes who will get the reward for the work. If two competing groups want to do the same proposal, then two proposals should be created, where each proposal names who to pay, then voters can vote on which one to fund (or both if they want to fund two competing solutions).

What if the proposal was made by a user that wants a feature to be developed instead of the worker and there are more than 1 entities/groups that wish to complete it?

In BitShares, proposals of that form are usually discussed by the community first (not as ablockchain-level proposal, but just as an idea). They call them BSIPs (forget what it stands for).

Then anyone interested in implementing the BSIP can make a blockchain-level proposal with themselves as the worker that references the BSIP. If there are multiple groups that want to compete for it, they can each create their own bid/proposal to do the work.

I see, that way Steem also has a huge advantage isn't it? It's way easier for the community to discuss the so-called BSIPs because this blockchain is literally built for that.

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BSIP stands for BitShares Improvement Proposal. A BSIP is a design document providing information to the BitShares community, or describing a new feature for BitShares or its processes or environment.


You just planted 0.11 tree(s)!

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8425.81 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!

My Steem Power = 24885.38
Thanks a lot!

Thanks to @fuadsm Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it! @martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

So only proposals are ... WORKER says they're willing to do work.

But sounds like like there's a lot of need for COMMUNITY desires for work to be done.

Anyway if a WORKER used the steem proposal system to say they'd make an interface how would you and the community react assuming they could actually react because there's no interface to react with? haha

Did you just create software without a way to use it? haha
I jest... but when i think about this I think hey maybe you would be willing to support a system that made an interface for the product you created probably worth a few votes or a few hundred steem to see your work come to life specially since I'm guessing you plan on using your product to make more Proposals.

But then would you just jump on the first proposal wondering if there will be anyone else willing to make a proposal? Maybe you hesitate, maybe you're not completely sold on their proposal. Sounds like what you'd love is to say "I'm willing to fund a proposal that does a/b/c/" And maybe several people come in and say I'll do just that! And now you have a match.

You're familiar with BitShares and DAO most of us are not. (p.s. thanks for not calling it DAO on this post) how do they handle this stuff in practice.

I'd like to see the proposals come to life... what you have done is essential but as we know... no one will use it until there's an interface and I'm keen on seeing it move past blockchain idea into functional usage. There are way too many supposedly genius ideas that never move past core user into the realm of ... oh this is actually a good product.

'no one will use it until there is an interface'

lots of people speak command line actually

"Lots of people" ... I know there's DOZENS of them!! haha