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RE: BlockTrades users must now create an account to trade with us

upcoming regulatory changes around the world

Translation: Banksters and gangsters (governments) fear freedom.


Government is the opposite of freedom. Eventually government must eliminate all vestiges of freedom or be eliminated themselves. Today exchanges are being forced to become tools of compliance. We see simultaneous elimination of sites and parties that refuse to allow their speech to be not only reasonably limited by obeying criminal law, but that fails to conform to official narrative. Vaccinations are increasingly mandatory.

Where do you think this is going?

Governments are essentially vectors for corruption by banksters, and the mechanisms by which those tyrants impose their ownership of the subjects of governments. Every collective mechanism of industrial production is parasitized and enables those subjects to be sources of the power and wealth substantial stakeholders accrue, particularly the cabal of banksters that effect policy via extranational institutions. More importantly, that parasitization prevents substantial stake from inuring to independent parties, and that keeps them subject to government.

We observe that decentralized technologies like 3D printing, aquaponics, AI, CRISPR, and more are the leading edge of technology across all industries today, and each of these enables production to be effected by consumers themselves - obviating parasitism altogether. We see that cryptocurrency is now no longer able to be used to avoid parasitism, by this OP.

Either governments prevent all decentralized technologies from creating goods and services independent of government authority, or eventually governmental authority becomes obsolete.

Physics mandates what technology can eventuate. Governmental authority is a meme, and nothing more. Those dependent on authority for their wealth and power will not allow government to become obsolete willingly, and there are no ethical limits on their projection of force to retain that power, as we can see throughout history. I consider this a shot across the bow of every free person in the world.

Prepare to be boarded, or to secure your community, family, and person from violent force.