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RE: BlockTrades RocksDB proposal to Steemit

in #blocktrades6 years ago

I'm looking at this from the perspective of if I were steemit, inc and I was evaluating this proposal (which I hope that they are). I would just like to see more details is all. You must have done some type of task listing and estimating to come up with the 6 person team size and time frame so I think that would be good to see.

Overall I'm excited at the prospect of having your team be involved in development. It was great to meet you at SteemFest and given your large stake in the platform I'm confident that you have the best interests of Steem in mind, which is something that we cannot say about most external developers that we might look at working with.


@yabamatt, for those of us Steemians who don't know who the "I" is speaking for BlockTrades and the corresponding "you" in your response, would you please enlighten us?

Obviously very serious matters, if not the long-term survival of the Steem blockchain, are apparently being discussed, in which case I would hope we can get all "out in the light."

"All cards face up on the table" is another way we might say the same thing here in America.

I appreciate you pressing for details, given all that is at stake (pardon the pun) ... 👍

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