Hi! It is unfortunately the second time you are not including my reports. Is there a reason for it?
Hi Peter
Apologies - were these posts created with actifit? In the database it is showing busy?
Thanks for your feedback! The initial actifit post is always posted with the actifit-app, otherwise I would not get any rewards.
My final posts though are always edited afterwards with busy or steemit or some other frontends.
I see.
Well this is a pain in the bum for me isn't it! Not your fault at all. I will have to work out another way to pick up that the post has been made via actifit.
I'll update the table shortly. Thanks for letting me know.
All eligible actifit reports are rewarded by @actifit within 48 hours and there is always a comment under the post of the user with the exact steps reported. So to look for those comments should be proof enough that the report is done via actifit and has the minimum of the requested 15K steps.
Maybe this helps . . .
Thanks :)