Thanks!!! Oh I forgot to tell you... I saw you upvoting a bunch of my comments.... Don't do that haha
You need to save your votes ... We will explain about the "dust threshold" this week in training, but for now... Just upvote posts that you really like.
10 per more
But comment upvotes... Nope. Not necessary and actually... Not a good thing for you at your will just get swept away.
But i appreciate the thought!!! Nice to see you have a generous mindset!!! It will help you here 🙂
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the tip.. It's probably a habit from years of the usual social media.. the feeling that you gotta share the love.. I've never really been stingy..
I have to write all this down in the book I'll have to buy.. the codes, norms, acronyms, and such.. If I had a pen.
Yeah .. hard to break that instant "liking"
But you'll get used to it.
It's hard to NOT do it in the beginning... Feels rude somehow hahahaha
But... When you see the reasons why.. you'll be glad to not do it, and you'll realize that no one expects it either :)
writing comments are the best way to show love (in my opinion)
Hahahahhahahahaa I can't believe you just said that about the pen... I'll tag you in a post on Sunday to remind you of why I just laughed.
P.s. are you another nighthawk!?!! It's like 4 all there right? Hahhaha
I'm actually usually up later... But heading to bed now
I'm in Cali. It's only 1 am here but calling it a night early hehehe
Will check for you tomorrow and don't forget to send me a DM when you get in the Ramble ... Gotta set you up in the room and the training DM 🙂
Night... Hawk
Posted using Partiko Android
my life for a pen! Or something like that..
definite night hawk..
it's always been this way, specially when I was younger and actually used to write..
Late nights were 4 or 5 good hours of writing pages of absolute melodramatic garbage hA!
and then a few years back when I got back into actual code.. late nights are the best time to get that kind of stuff down..
but worst now working with Sri Lanka. I do QA with them during the week and then do the office junk mid-afternoon.. So my work-a-day is broken into two chunks