The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections for the Semi finals

Hello dear soccer fans and valuated competitors. :-)

Thanks to @blocktrades for being the sponsor of this big Steemit tippster competiton. Read more about it here.

Source: pixabay.

These are my picks for the semi-finals of the soccer world championship in Russia:


final France vs England .....? But even Croatia ... is not to be neglected

In the match between England and Croatia of course everything is possible.
My betting calculator gave me the following (rounded) probabilities:

Victory England: 42 %

Draw: 30 %

Victory Croatia: 28 %

That means that the probability to win a bet on England would be clearly under 50 %.

France and croasi is the goal of finals. We can happy together with our prediction

I think today Belgium will win the match!@jaki01,


1:0 in egal welche Richtung ist ja schon ziemlich fad! :p
Naja freue mich drauf wenn Fußball zu ende ist und von dir auch wieder anderer Content kommt ;)

1:0 ist eben das mit Abstand wahrscheinlichste und häufigste Ergebnis dieser WM. Pech für mich, dass es in Achtel- und Viertelfinale seltener auftrat als die Wahrscheinlichkeit erwarten ließ. In der Gruppenphase trat es sogar noch häufiger auf als zu erwarten war, aber leider führten zu dem Zeitpunkt beim Steemit-Tippspiel exakt getippte Einzelergebnisse noch nicht zu Bonuspunkten.

Und du würdest nun an meiner Stelle sicherlich ein bereits begonnenes Tippspiel abbrechen (bei dem die Möglichkeit besteht, 2000 SBD zu gewinnen), nur um das Bedürfnis eines @luegenbaron nach interessanterer Themenauswahl zu befriedigen? :-)

Jedenfalls ist es mir eine große Ehre, dass du auf das Ende der WM hoffst, nur um endlich wieder mehr meiner wertvollen Artikel lesen zu können, wow! ;-)

Und du würdest nun an meiner Stelle sicherlich ein bereits begonnenes Tippspiel abbrechen (bei dem die Möglichkeit besteht, 2000 SBD zu gewinnen), nur um das Bedürfnis eines @luegenbaron nach interessanterer Themenauswahl zu befriedigen? :-)

Haha nein, ich würde das Preisgeld mit diesem coolen, sehr nachvollziehbaren @luegenbaron teilen ;) :p

Viel Glück! :)

my friend @jaki01,I think today england will win the match by2-0

France vs. England :) Well, that would certainly give an interesting final game

Indeed ... But England has to win its game first ...

You're spot on one. One down. :-)

Every one have prediction so happy together with look worldcup and our prediction

Für heute lagst du schon mal richtig! Mal sehen, ob du auch morgen Recht behält. Die Kroaten sind aber auch nicht zu unterschätzen...

Die Kroaten sind aber auch nicht zu unterschätzen...

Natürlich ist das Resultat relativ offen. Mein Wettrechner sagt folgende (gerundete) Wahrscheinlichkeiten voraus:

Sieg England: 42 %

Unentschieden: 30 %

Sieg Kroatien: 28 %

Also beträgt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass mein Tipp erfolgreich sein wird, demgemäß deutlich unter 50 % ... :)

In my opinion, France will be a finalist with England, we can see a match where the two teams will give everything to 100% and will not give up. Belgium is a first class team like Croatia, however, I think that they have arrived here.

Although soccer is football and it can happen all kinds of things, surprises. I'm waiting for today's game to start. We will see how they will manage Mbappé, Pogba and Griezmann.

Ich wünsch dir echt viel Glück und dass du gewinnst, ich persönlich würde mich dennoch rießig freuen wenn die Belgier ins Finale kommen. Hoffentlich wird es ein gutes Spiel heute Abend.

Es war sogar sehr interessant. Ich denke, unterm Strich hat Frankreich dann doch verdient gewonnen. Belgien fehlte heute das Glück, welches ihm gegen Brasilien und Japan noch zur Seite stand. :)

Trotzdem war das rasante belgische Konterspiel eine echte Bereicherung dieser WM!

Tolles Spiel gestern, spannend bis zur letzten Minute. Frankreich hat es dann natürlich schön runter gespielt, was man auch erst mal können muss ohne dabei Karten zu bekommen. Frankreich verdient im Finale

Ich hoffe heute gewinnt England, dann können wir uns auf ein spannendes Finale gefasst machen!

Now only one team which would be champion .
That is France .

I'm supporting England.I always pray for them that they are success in semi- final.

a good guess my friend, good luck and you must win it my broo @jaki01

Unfortunately, my last picks were not successful enough to win this competition ... but apart from trying to win it's about fun, too ... :)

it's okay, there must be another chance broo .. sustenance will not go away

Thanks for the information

Have a great day Thanks @jaki01

Valuable information

Interesting bets, my friend and always cool, when the intrigue of the match persists until the end! Thank you @jaki01

Excellent post . thanks for sharing
100% like resteem

All matches were interesting of this world cup.I think England will win.lets see what happens.but my well wishes are with England.

Holaaa looks very successful, the final will be France and England so I see it, that your prediction is fulfilled 😍😍
Let's hope that happens 🙌🙌
Greetings heart @jaki01

Great predictions you got there @jaki01 but I see Belgium and Croatia playing in the finals!

So we are opponents in this semi-finals. :-)

Wonderful prediction in the France vs Belgium game it means I can bank on your predictions @jaki01 it was a difficult game but Belgium played better but the leather game only give it to the team that can score the highest number of goals . I Go with you on England vs Croatia game !

I can bank on your predictions @jaki01 ... I Go with you on England vs Croatia game !

Be careful: my betting calculator gave me the following (rounded) probabilities:

Victory England: 42 %

Draw: 30 %

Victory Croatia: 28 %

That means that the probability to win a bet on England is clearly under 50 %. Thus odds should be > 2.41 to have some value.

Here on Steemit I just have to choose the most probable result ...

What bet calculator do you use ? I will to check out their site.


Come on, that is the prediction we all hope for, hopefully it will be fulfilled, and for the finals, France is a favorite, nerves do not fit in me, closer and closer to knowing who will win the final triumph, very happy to have found this blog, of good predictions,
The cup is from France if God wants, this gets better and better ..

France gonna rock and win this 2018 World Cup, just bookmark this comment and then we can discuss after wolrd cup final. So my bet is on France.

Mine, too ... especially as Brazil lost rather unluckily against Belgium ... :)

I do not agree if belgias lose, because I am a belgium supporter, I hope different 😁

I guess these are both interesting bets but the first match will be the best.
Both teams are in perfect flow and intensity.
Let's see who's going to win.

I was thinking that Belgium will make it to the finals but interesting prediction there lets see ;)

Great prediction all the best sir.

All the best buddy and these two matches are gonna be sth of an entertainment ;)

Great selections and i hope england will win this worldcup.

But I guess another both teams will get more goals than France and Croatia.@jaki01, your prediction is smart.

i am expecting France and Croatia.

I support to Belgium. But finally most talented team will win championship.

Sir, very good selection, France is my favorite, i think France will win this World Cup.

I think you have best chance for win this contest. But you failed last couple of times. English team have more lucky and power for win world cup 2018. Wish you the best.

Final will be interesting between France and England.
I'm supporting France, and you?

I am not supporting anybody, I prefer earning money by betting. :)

But if you ask me I would say France to be favorite in the final.

Go France Go!
I don't know why but i don't support England.

Wow that's great! I also 100% agree with you and want England win.

your prediction is very close to be true sir.

We cannot know that before the games will be finished. :)

May the best team win!

All the best sir.

Amazing news
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England has opportunity to win. Your prediction is better @jaki01.

France is a champion , now it's final

Successes in this new round of semi-finals @yaki01

My well wishes are with belgium. Hope we see another upset. Last time belgium fully trash bully.

Why you are not supporting Croatia and Belgium. Do you forget the last match result? I hope your predictions come true. But this time its not possible. You predict very well throughout the tournament.s

Belgium is a great team, but I think altogether with their shaky defense they were very lucky to win against Brazil, and France should be the better team.

Concerning England and Croatia it can be close, but the English team has more speed and dynamics in my opinion.

Of course I may be wrong ... just let's wait and see. :)

my choice is the same as you. hopefully true

each steemian celebrates the world cup with a prediction and lose-win contest a necessity at least by participating we have beaten doubts nested in the depths of the chest.