[Men’s Choice][True Story] When your boss’s wife calls you nearly every day… [男人的抉擇] [真人真事]當你上司的老婆幾乎每天打電話給你…

in #blog8 years ago


In the few months, my boss’s wife keeps calling me nearly every day, mostly mid-night, sometimes afternoon…firstly I have to apologize to my friends waiting to pass the popcorn……as the story is not about flirting or fooling around, but it’s absolutely a men’s choice……

Recently my boss was suffering from great working pressure, and started not to back home at night. He didn’t tell me where he went. But as a man, of course I knew where he was haha…… there is a Chinese term “男人五毒” (five drugs of men): cigarette, alcohol, sex, gambling and drugs. I am quite sure nearly all men have at least one or two. How couldn’t I know where he was…?

所以問題就發生了,我作為上司極信任的存在,我幾乎知道他所有的工作行程及地點,而上司的老婆也知道,所以她經常查問我他的工作日程,我抱著「清官不審家庭事」的心態,都盡量告訢她上司工作上的行程,但後來她開始深夜打來,起初她只是叫我看看CCTV看上司會不會在公司,然後有一日,她知道了我有上司的Apple iCloud密碼……
And that’s the point. As the right arm of my boss, I know nearly all his working schedule and location, and my boss’s wife knows that. So she kept asking me his schedule. Ok, even a good judge cannot give a wise judgement of family affairs, I just told her his schedule and that’s all. But after a while, she started to call me at mid-night and asked me to check the CCTV of my office to see if my boss was there, until one day she knew that I had the Apple iCloud password of my boss……


大家都知道,蘋果手機有一個功能叫”Find my iPhone”,你可以登入你的iCloud來查看你的蘋果裝置的位置,而上司的老婆剛好知道這功能,就問我拿他的密碼……我抱著尊重私隱的態度拒絕了她,但她卻叫我幫她用”Find my iPhone”找上司的位置,好吧,因我也有點擔心上司,加上上司老婆各種的手段,我答應了她,然後,就有第二次、第三次、第四次……每次她查完位置後都會問我:「那附近有酒店嗎?」你叫我如何回答!我只能說:「應該沒有,不肯定。」不過我知道,有時候其實不能到酒店哈哈......
As all of we know, there is an app “Find my iPhone”. We may login by iCloud to check the location of our apple’s devices. My boss’s wife knows this app and she asked me the password of her husband……I “respected privacy” and rejected her. Then she asked me to check the location of my boss. At the moment, I was quite worried about my boss also, and under the artifices of her……I agreed to check……And then, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th times and go on……
Every time after checking, my boss’s wife asked “Is there hotel around?” How can I answer!? I could only say “not sure, probably no.” But I know, sometimes we can’t go to hotel…..

我在要求上司老婆承諾我不會將這事告訢上司的情況下,渡過了幾個月的時間,但直到最近幾日,明顯上司知道他老婆有查找他位置的方法了 (幸好我上司不擅長新科技,完全不知Find my iPhone這方法),早兩晚,上司老婆留了一個口訊給我:「如果你上司叫你幫他更改iPhone密碼,記得將密碼告訴我,我不是要管著他,我只是為他好。」
I requested my boss’s wife not to tell her husband about these and few months passed. But few days ago, my boss found out that her wife was checking him. (luckily my boss is new tech illiterate and never thinks of Find my iPhone and me). Then my boss’s wife left me a voice message “if your boss asked you to help him change the iPhone’s password, tell me the password. I am just doing for his own good”

As a man, of course I have to stand by men’s side. But…facing the aggressiveness of my boss’s wife, I am still thinking of how to solve……If you have good advice, please tell me haha…


Tell her you won't do this any more as you need remain neutral.

yes now i pretend getting to the bed already and miss her call



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有一種人,不會用android XDD

too complicated... may be better for you to find a new job.. at least be prepared > <







you buy another iphone for your boss, problem solved
i think he left his phone at office,
oh he left his phone at office again,
oh my god, how can he left his phone in office again
repeat until they get divorce XD
good luck man

god bless

上司把Apple ID密码给你?这上司够信任你


雖然我身為女性, 但我還是覺得你沒有義務要幫忙上司老婆, 畢竟那是他們兩個人夫妻的事, 有時候, 本來都要給雙方一些私人空間, 這時候就是..... 不要跟著上司一起去, 你就會忙到沒辦法接電話了~ LOL


恩.... 好像是有點難, 不過為什麼上司老婆都知道要找你呢?




嘖嘖,看來你很人見人愛啊~ 😁

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

haha but seems her wife get used to it already