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RE: How To Stop Being Such A Loser

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Get a degree from India . Education is cheapest in India . Just compare the college prices of countries around the world . You should quit trading , steeming or minimize it . Your main focus should be your education . Your education will define your future not the cryptos .


or get educated here and actually build something that's ready for you when you are, you make a fine point about education, but that gets you in tunnel vision as much as social medias distract the sanity from you.

But if you know what you are doing and how to do it, it's quite easy, I will say "You will define your future!" not education where you have to be subservient worker (probably) In education's case if you use it, it can make you a great person, maybe a living legend, but anything can do that if you put in the effort and the brains.

So I have to say I actually agree with you, I see it a bit differently, but in comparison to being a market slave and waiting whole years for whatever, it's not a great deal, I have to say I've barely made up my losses in trading, something I'm not sure is fair to the way I've earned them :)