Who would you trust more with the future of the biggest crypto-currency?

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

As some of you might know, Roger Ver is one of the first to have invested in Bitcoin startups and has openly acknowledged that he has purchased BTC at a price of $1.

There is a great 20 questions interview with him made by our very own Steemian @wadepaterson if you want to read more.

I wanted to drop a few words from my own perspective and how much I know about this scenario. I came to learn about Roger Ver in early 2014. You could tell he was very passionate about bitcoin and blockchain technology and never a person to dismiss altcoins just because they were different. In my opinion he always saw the greater good of the tech and didn't just want Bitcoin to be the one to succeed for mass adoption, he wanted the whole technology to become wide-spread and to make a change in this world.

There are a lot of people nowadays dismissing him as just being "lucky to hear about bitcoin early" and a fool when it comes to other aspects. Many say that he dismisses Bitcoin and its development for his own agenda, but I don't believe that's really the deal here since much what he talks about is something I have noticed myself happening time after time again.

and that's censorship on the r/bitcoin subreddit.

At first people were denying much of the censorship and since actions are not public on Reddit no one really knew what was actually happening. If moderators were really silencing people that had concern or were questioning the development of Bitcoin or if it was just normal users acting that way.

I do remember the day when they completely removed showing the karma score of comments in all of their posts, that was the first big red flag in my opinion about freedom of speech and manipulation of discussion in that subreddit. I'm not sure exactly for how long it doesn't show the karma points, usually 12 h after they show up but that leaves a lot of leeway to manipulate discussion into what they themselves want them to be like. What this means is that they could be using masses of bots to downvote criticism and upvote comments and posts that talk positively about them without users noticing it as much since the scores are hidden. This is what a post on that subreddit looks like nowadays.

Roger had enough of this and created another subreddit instead called r/btc. I am not 100% sure if this happened before or after they decided not to show karma points on comments but it was one of many steps to divide the bitcoin community along with the Bitcoin.com forum and now the fork that occurred recently and after all this questionable activity he had all rights to divide it.

Many people criticize Roger because of this but in my honest opinion I believe if anyone was to do it he was the right person to and I wish him good luck with Bitcoin Cash. Due to much of this censorship going on on the r/bitcoin subreddits and bitcointalk forums it was a big reason to me getting uninterested of the currency and giving up on its scaling development. This was also a big reason why I started researching Ethereum more instead and when I heard about Steemit it felt like a big puzzle had just been put together fixing all issues about censorship and manipulation that were making this a rabbit hole of information. Even today they keep censoring people for as much as bringing up alternative solutions in discussions on the subreddit and even shadowdeleting my comments.

As you can see someone mentioned ChainBB which is a Forum front-end for Steem created by @jesta and after his ignorant comment I had replied with this which is now only visible by me (because of the shadow-delete).

I mean, I really can't even understand how he thinks deleting these comments does them any good considering how everyone has started to learn lately how much that whole subreddit keeps getting censored and probably a lot more shady stuff happening behind the scenes that we can't know of because none of those actions are public like they are here on the blockchain.

This is why we need to get more people to use Steemit, not just for earning but for having debates and discussions that cannot be censored, thus giving everyone the freedom of speech and letting the readers decide for themselves.

It is great to see that Roger Ver has already been using Steemit although with not much activity, you can check out his profile under the username @rogerkver.

Now, what really inspired me to write this post today and share my point of view into the matter is this video I stumbled upon today. First check out this video where Roger passionately talks about the potential of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology in general, a snip from a documentary called "The Bitcoin Gospel" which I highly recommend everyone to watch, you can it find under this link.

This was of course a bit unrelated to the question in the video that I'm going to link next but I feel its important to understand the difference between these key people. Many say Roger does it for his own agenda but its public that he has already been very wealthy in his private life even before he stumbled upon Bitcoin as you can read on the @wadepeterson interview linked in the beginning of the post.

Now compare that with this video that I uploaded onto my youtube channel cause the vid.me link it was uploaded to can't be embedded on Steemit yet. This is Luke-Jr, Core Developer at Blockstream, the company in charge of Bitcoins development and the same user who has censored mine and many others comments and posts on r/bitcoin in the past.

(If you are interested to watch a longer interview with Roger Ver by the same interviewer as in the video above, here is a link to it.)

I am as speechless at his response as he seems to be in the interview.

So who would you trust with the future of the biggest crypto-currency and its development?

I want to end this blogpost by acknowledging that there might be many pieces of the puzzle missing as I haven't actively read up on r/bitcoin (with good reasons to it) over the past couple years and I mostly read on r/btc instead and will probably invest in Bitcoin Cash rather than Bitcoin. This is also why I'm tagging this into "blog" as its more of personal belief and just urging users not to believe anything they read on media sites that are easily manipulated and controlled.

I recently also wrote a post about vote-buying on Reddit and how anyone with a small investment can often cheat their way to making their content go viral on the platform, this has probably even bigger effects on smaller subreddits which not many of the Reddit moderators fighting this may be aware of.

Stay safe with your crypto investments and don't put all eggs in one basket!

There are 2 pages

I have huge respect for @rogerkver. One of the first people to open my eyes about crypt0 and its powers. I have been following since I first found BTC. He has done great work for us all.

I agree. I think it has been a disinfo campaign waged against him. He's rational and compassionate. The Core trolls have debased him mercilessly.

I support with your comment 👌

Thank you 👍👍@thejohalfiles @acidyo

Roger is amazing! Unsurprisingly, he was nicknamed as a Bitcoin Jesus)
Love his t-shirt!

The future of cryptocurrency is Steem. This is because its userbased crypto and its platform is also like social media. Lol. I love steemit

me too. I also like, that there are a lot of discussions about recent news around crypto world

In crypto code speak louder than words. Look what happened to bitcoin price once Roger and his shill forked off with their shitcoin.

I think it pronounced "Bitcoin cash"??

Like the coding they did when finding a solution to the blicksize?:p

Well, I don't really know him and don't want to judge, but the censorship is worse than r/pyongyang. If he isn't censoring to try and hide something, is he censoring to keep people that find the activity suspicious from buying btc? Like, I don't get it. I know they have a no altcoin rule but they've censored so much more than just discussions about those over the years.

PS! Do you know if its true that AXA has invested in Blockstream?

It's no secret that Blockstream is funded by AXA.

Alright, was not easy to find any real facts on it.

Literally only took me about 15 seconds to find this: https://blockstream.com/about/#investors

When I googled it it gave me a r/btc results so thought it might not be the best source considering the amount of fake news on those subreddits plus it only had a few upvotes.

But thanks for the link.

Steemit has the potential to be better than Reddit in pretty much every way in my opinion

I totally agree. Steemit has potential to be replace Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc.
All of those in one place, too high hopes? :o

It does, but still needs much more time. It will be bigger everyday, as more people get interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain, steemit will grow day by day.

Man he was really angry in the interview you can see his anger against the government, what I can fully understand, killing innocent people (kids) is a no go but this is what they do to get more power it is disgusting. Therefore I love BTC and all the other cryptocurrencies it takes a bit power from them and they can't do nothing I dislike this finance elite and there shity FIAT system I hope that one day I can see it breaking down. He is offering $20,000 bounty to get this hacker who is blackmailing him damn he is not scared at all very cool guy. Concerning Bitcoin Cash I have kept them all because I think they will do great in the future I even bought me some more at $ 210. I love Blockchain technology it is one of the best invention ever everything is transparent in it and this is what we need to keep corruption a bit better under control and it can do so many other good things I just love it. It is crazy that people like Luke Jr are in in charge of Bitcoins development he can not even give a good interview wow this is shocking and telling me to invest and focus more on Bitcoin Cash in the future. Thank you very much for this eye opening information and now I will watch The Bitcoin Gospel. Have a nice day .

I have just watched The Bitcoin Gospel it is a great documentary thanks for sharing it. I love the part from Andreas Antonopoulus where he is saying "they are worried that criminals will use Bitcoin but the truth is that they are far more terrified that all of the rest of us will" and it is true the damn Central Banks are very worried because there is something (BTC) what they can't control and we can use it to buy our food clothes etc. with it and don't need there paper money more.

Shadow deleting comments, shadow banning of accounts has been there on Reddit for a long time, and I have seen it happen many times during my 6 years on Reddit.

In my opinion Steemit will be better than Reddit in the future!!!

Good grief, how can he not have a thousand answers to hand. I could answer that question for him. Two takes and nothing! In the first take he actually looks flabbergasted

Exactly, even a few years ago when I was at this Onecoin scam "conference" I was blasting off so many advantages to actual blockchain technology compared to their "coin" and this is the Lead developers of Bitcoin and he has nothing... Like, what?!

It definitely does not paint a good picture. Most of the devs I work with irl would talk for hours on even subjects they dont like as long as it was in the development realm!

Exactly, not to mention misusing their moderating powers for censorship. Are they really that uncomfortable talking and debating other point of views? Jeez.

Exactly, that karma hiding gives me the shudders!

As long as the whales never earn the power to mark a post as spam with a single flag hit, Steemit should survive and thrive, becoming the one true platform for uncensored information. 🐳

The great thing is though that even if a post is walloped down to zero rewards and greyed out it is still visible. It can never be deleted. Although lately there have been a few cases where I have almost wished that some could lol

Ha ha, this is true, but if the post is less than 7 days old, you could literally edit every aspect of the post into something totally different.

I must say though too, that I kind of enjoy the idea of permanence in social media... it causes people to think before they post. 😉

You could do that but the blockchain is immutable and the evidence would always be there if someone were to dig :O)

I thought it only goes to the blockchain after 7 days?

Oh no, everything is recorded on the blockchain as soon as it is posted, comments or posts and votes. So if someone changes something you can look at the blockchain to see what was written before

I am surprised more people have not jumped ship from the centralization of Reddit and onto the Steemit platform.. The censorship of these centralized organizations is getting downright frightening. Too many people (myself included) get too caught up in the price of Bitcoin and forget about the game changer Blockchain technology really is!

At this point it is hard to choose who you trust.. You gotta be careful and act neutral, at least for now. Things will get better.
That's why I don't trust a person, I trust in blockchain..

In this era of internet information, people will get to hear about steemit. We do not need to force anyone to join. We just need to keep our house in order.

Overtime, many people will leave reddit to steemit. Most are still there because they have not heard about steemit.

However, we need tl keep our house in order. Of late I have been reading alot of post where elders and early adopters in this platform are busy fighting each other. This includes a flag war that even got some of the developers involved.

I do not think this sort of behaviour is good for the image of the platform. We need to exhibit some level of maturity here to sell this platform to others.

Thank you all my people. Let our attitude here spread the massage....

This is a very important post for understanding the value of uncensorable blockchain social media and media. Thank you.

Reddit is ok but for some reason I began losing interest in it.
I don't say people not to use it, I just say I prefer Steemit.

About Roger, he's definitely not just a lucky guy. Obviuosly, many people found BTC early but they bought and did nothing to spread the word and promote mass adoption. He did it and still does it. I don't have to agree with him 100% to recognize the value of his work.

Lots of controversy in the bitcoin space. I am praying for wisdom for all.

There's always controversy when there is money involved. One thing that is becoming clear though is that the technology is real and it really is that groundbreaking as many have been saying over time. The world is slowly starting to wake up to it now.

Yeah, the censorship on reddit overall has been astounding, so I can't say I'm surprised to hear of your experiences on the bitcoin subreddit, bro. That's why I've basically jumped ship entirely off of there and just mostly get on here. The vote buying thing isn't even the only way to do that, there was a guy a few years ago who made around 25-30 accounts and just kept switching his IP address around so they were all separate accounts and he upvoted 3 of his posts where they hit the hot/trending page and they of course then hit the front page of reddit over and over again.

That site is so easy to manipulate if you put your mind to it, it's really sad.

Yeah exactly, try doing that manipulation on a public blockchain and after some time you will definitely get busted.

I would say in no time at all you'd get busted. Steemit is a whole different animal in comparison to reddit, and people on here would notice pretty damn quickly if someone tried the same manipulation, it's one of the reasons why I like this site and the communities on here a lot more.

One of the good points (even though sometimes it's really annoying) is that you can't delete anything on Steemit. The blockchain remembers everything you do and you can't get a single asshole with a lot of power making it the way he or she wants it to be.

I just saw a video on roger i was like who is this dude i kinda like him. Scrolled down and acidyo gave me the answer. You knew i was looking for this dude didnt you.
Fuck reddit btw. Fuck censorship. Its time to break free

very informative post, and some spirit for all steemian while CEO of bitcoin.com join steemit community. although im new on steemit and barely known about crypto, i will follow crypto news for my knowledgeme. thanks @acidyo

The first video got me emotional. I really don't like reddit.

@acidyo, This is a little bit sad News for me as I sold my Bitcoincash few minutes ago. I was reading through threads on bitcointalk and they really scared hell out of me that made me sell my coin.

After you posted about NEO, I sold a few NEO and I see it keeps increasing. I learnt the Chinese are adopting it as there own Etherum. I hope I'm making some rightful decisions.
I'll really be glad if you can mentor me more on cryptos. I'm still trying to learn more about this new world of limitless opportunities. I want to break the shackles of poverty around me with this cryptos opportunity. I also want to participate in bounties and ICO. I'll need your advice on this sir.

Thanks in advance.

Best advice I can give is to not trade often and think of long term opportunities. Most currencies on the markets are manipulated day after day by big hands or bots. Do re-search, choose the currencies that show potential and have a solid development team working on its future and then just accumulate as much as possible in the meantime.

Thanks for your reply.

I was reading through threads on bitcointalk and they really scared hell out of me

Both bitcointalk and r/bitcoin are owned by the same person, hence why I've stopped reading both after the endless censorship and manipulation.

That's why we need more quality debates on steemit. Thanks for finding time to reply this.

What I do is I buy coins cheap sell 50% at a high and the other 50% I hold this is giving me a better sleep at night. I am very sad for you that you and so many other people have sold there Bitcoin cash.

I'm Holding my Bitcoin Cash too.

Nice that is in my opinion the right think to do! Let pass 1 year and I think it will be at $ 1000.

I just learnt something from you. Thanks for this feedback @danyelk.

You are welcome glad to help :)

I want to break the shackles of poverty around me with this cryptos opportunity.

exactly. This is a great opportunity for you. I think you are already doing it.

Yeah! And it's been a smooth journey with your help @stellabelle.

well a lot of these genius tech guys aren't the best at verbal communication

That is also true, yes. I should watch the whole interview to see how he was performing in general.

Let's start brining in the masses... doing my best over here 😬😀💯


Yes, he was lucky he find out about bitcoin earlier. But he was smart and took the risk!

Edited his correct username now.

Brilliant post. Especially like the links to the other Steemit crypto enthusiasts.
I found out about the censorship on /bitcoin a month ago and was absolutely shocked. Not at all the type of community i want to be a part of.
You have my full UV. Also resteemed because people have to realize that /bitcoin is censored.

It's important to remember the idea that everything you post will be seen , and it can never go away from this chain of command . So no one should fuck up

Also, I don't understand the criticism in regards to Roger. It's all just assumptions on peoples part, and he sure doesn't seem like just a greedy person trying to make bank from BTC. And, honestly, even if someone got into bitcoin just as an investment, I don't see why that's an issue or something to criticize anyways.

I feel like most people that are trying to judge him are just jealous that he had enough balls to buy into BTC at the time, even though it was such an alien thing and no one knew what would happen with it. Dude seems like he genuinely wants more for the entire thing, where I don't think most people could say the same.

Thnks for tips

Roger Ver is a great investor and he made life changing decision couple years ago. Many people dream about come back in time to buy Bitcoin when price was about 1$ :D But still we have great opportunities on the cryptocurrency market, for example NEO, Nexus, Stratis and others :) Thanks for your post @acidyo!


Nice post! 😀

Like itThanks for you sharing @acidyo

Please don't post comments 2 minutes into an article that obviously takes longer to read.

BITCOIN@acidyo bitcoin is the trusted coins in the world and its future also was a very bright I hold my few bitcoin I hope in future spend my bitcoin for travelling😎✌:))

$0 - $1000: 1789 days
$1000 - $2000: 1271 days
$2000 - $3000: 23 days
$3000 - $4000: 62 days
Now we can see what are the future of bitcoin!!

$0 - $1000: 1789 days
$1000 - $2000: 1271 days
$2000 - $3000: 23 days
$3000 - $4000: 62 days
Now we can see what are the future of bitcoin!!

Since you edited this part in I'll reply to it in another comment:

I see bitcoin as being the entry point to other currencies, like right now it might be rising due to chinese investors wanting to buy NEO. Over time I believe it will continue sinking as its really old tech with lacking development. Even though it might go up to $10,000 the dominance over other currencies is probably going to drop more and more as it has in the past few years.

I think so you have your point there yes people buying neo that is why btc pricer skyrocketing, but I believe bitcoin is the legend the price of this is getting higher because this is the major player in exchanging all the coins and shit coins out there, it may good down but it's gonna go up again higher than previous high high, Bitcoin cash not for now I'll rather vote for litecoin which performing very well from the past upto now, BCH is just the same with litecoin, forking of bitcoin in my opinion so litecoin was there for long time, but it may differ along the way with their best of the best features I guest, will see.

I get where you're coming from, but I disagree with your conclusion.

When I add up bitcoin's "first mover advantage", probably the most marketable name (and logo) currently in crypto, and BY FAR the most infrastructure built around it -- those three things alone are enough reason for me to believe that odds are stacked in bitcoin's favor.

I feel that my second point is often overlooked and severely underestimated. A marketable name that clearly explains what the thing is in a word is SOOOOOOO important. Bitcoin has that in spades. Not enough people are going to take Titcoin seriously for it to reach mass adoption, as an example. Ether could also be better named, but it's a clever enough name (though you may have to dig to understand the metaphor) to remember. Steem is also a clever name that's very marketable, which is part of why I was so attracted to it over a year ago and still am today.

I missed the opportunity to invest in bitcoin in 2010, I saw the bitcoin and I told myself that it is a SCAM, in 2017 I realized how I was naif and that I missed The occasion of my life! Thanks for this post extrainly interesting

I believe bitcoin will still rise, but I believe we have other currencies with way better values than what bitcoin can offer. Lol! I was wondering why a bitcoin dev would look so confused when asked such a question.

You are a great person, I really like your article ,, and please help me, see my article article @acidyo

I like your post @acidyo

Great post @acidyo ! resteemed and upvoted

I would trust the coin that delegates its power to the people. A democratic coin.

HatsOff for @rogerkver, I got idea of Crypto from him. Really appriciate it.

Stay safe with your crypto investments and don't put all eggs in one basket!

I like your advice

Eth has lots of development going on and looking at the trend of tie ups and investment i am more comfortable with that.

I completely agree with your assessments. When I saw the endless attacks on Roger, I smelled something ugly and not quite right. That Luke dude strikes me as a subhuman type, like he's spent too much time in a cage or something...he seems a bit sociopathic, and notice how he wasn't connecting at all with the person interviewing him.

Ni que opinar sobre esta moneda, he perdido mucho por la poca experiencia :( en empresas que resultan ser fraudes

Gotta love the tune of the notifications from the cryptocurrency

Commenting to come back later to watch the vids at home. Very interrested to see the contrast.

This is very important post the newbies like me. Please support and upvote me.
Here is my introduction post . Please have a look in it.


I dont know many but i can spot a weasel from a mile away and that Luke-jr is a damn weasel!!!

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