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RE: Heroes, Villains, and the Art of Creating Characters

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Very nice blog! Love what you are doing here ! So of course, I have decided to follow.. ( I had to click Game of Thrones again!)...

Then there is the whole genre ( of i dont know what ud call it lol), but where I really detest a character- skip a few episodes in & there I am feeling sorry for them! i.e Ramsay Bolten! - ( he got the most horrid death!)

I even began to feel bad for Cercei during her whole SHAME walk :]

I soon lost the pity for her though.. when I saw the 'zombie' mountain!, and her blowing up the whole congregation really done it for me lol!

... that is the expertize of George R. R. Martin-Taking us on a roller coaster ride! No wonder he takes so long to complete his books! :]