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RE: We have a neighbor from hell

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I know about landlords like that. A friend dealt with one of those rip-off artists, and his antics ended up sending her into a downward spiral with her debts.

She wouldn't deal with this in such an insane way -- and neither would another friend who got ripped off several years ago re: the purchase of a mobile home where he used his part of the inheritance from his mom for it. Once he was stuck at the mobile home park where it sat and had been there for awhile, he (and the same crap was happening to several of his neighbors) started getting eviction notices using made-up excuses for the evictions.

He was told that he could move his mobile home somewhere else or leave it behind, but that he had to get out of there.

The company (out of Chicago) was, obviously, into a racket where they were reselling mobile homes over and over again. Some people who had the money to do so moved their mobile homes elsewhere.

Most, however, were on fixed incomes and couldn't afford to do this, so they would leave their mobile homes behind.

Dave wasn't going to hold still for this, so he took them to court to sue them for at least a partial refund of what he had paid for the mobile home. I believe he had paid around $10,000 for it and was suing them to get $5000.

In the end, he "won" the case but was only given $500 with the excuse being that he had created so much wear-and-tear on the structure that it was only worth that much as it couldn't be resold and would have to be torn down to clear the lot.


Dave went to live in an assisted living place in Muncie, but I was still in Anderson and kept an eye on it. It never got torn down. Within a couple of weeks, it had been sold to the next person -- likely, for the same price that Dave paid for it.

I have a feeling that he wasn't the first buyer of that mobile home and that the person who moved in after him wouldn't be the last.

Anyway, I understand the frustrations of people such as your neighbor who got ripped off, but she shouldn't be taking it out on you.

You were, indirectly, the cause of her problems by buying the land, but you weren't intentionally out to hurt her.

You could have been a helpful and supportive neighbor to her and gotten justice for her, but she has screwed herself out of having a good relationship with you.

What she needs to do now is to stop this childish behavior and get in touch with Aspire. They have the resources to not only provide her with professional help for her mental health but, also, to point her to resources to go after people like the jerk who ripped her off.

I was made aware of people who operate this way by seeing this happen to Lisa and Dave, and there needs to be investigations into this kind of racketeering.

I've been put through crap myself, but I'm not going after innocent parties because I'm unable to get what's due to me from the ones who have caused all kinds of wrong to not only my folks and me but, also, to various others.

One thing I AM doing is not mincing words and am reminding people who read my Tweets and status reports that my mom and aunt -- and, likely, my dad and uncle (husband to the aunt who was murdered) met untimely deaths as well. I witnessed (one by phone and one in person) two attempts on my dad's life back in April of 2003.

I also believe that at least one attempt was made on my mom's life 2 or 3 years before she was given a combo of active and passive euthanasia against her wishes until she finally succumbed to it on April 29, 2013.

Thankfully, the first attempt wasn't a success, as it would have produced results similar to that of the racist hate crime that killed James Byrd of Texas. As it was, my mom slipped away looking like what she continues to be: (a beautiful angel) rather than roadkill.

You see, whoever came speeding towards her from the south in a car without headlights while she had begun crossing the road to get the mail didn't count on her being spry enough to jump back to a safe place while she was in her late 80s.

Of course, you remember discovering that gas leak. Lisa discovered two more of them. THREE TIMES somebody tried to blow my mom and me up!!!

And this isn't a political issue because both Democrats and Republicans were involved.

Long story short...I can actually relate to both you and your neighbor from hell. The big difference between the two of you is that she's dealing with things VERY inappropriately while you're dealing with things in a constructive and acceptable way.

Hopefully, your neighbor from hell will get the help she needs for both dealing with her anger issues and for what has made her justifiably angry in the first place.


She went to far the more I think about it the more angry I get she poisoned my garden she could have really harmed my family or killed us.

That's what I mean.

She went after the wrong person.

Even the guy who conned her shouldn't have received this kind of treatment (e.g. poisoned food; broken glass endangering him, his human family, & his furry family; etc.), and you and yours were like people getting shot in the crossfire of a duel.