Hello folks!
Some of you already know me.
I am "amfy" and i post random "bs" content to generate traffic and test the
Steemit platform. I did that for money (Hehehe), and also to help other ppl get some cash because i realy like steemit.
But wile i was having fun in steemit i
learned few important things i want to share:
-Things of value are never free, for if they were
free then they would be valueless.
If u want to be sucssfull in Steemit or anywhere in the Web:
-Learn web development.
-Learn how to write well.
-Invest real money, or invest time to make quality content.
-If you don't know what is quality content!
Research what is quality content.
-Random "bs" stolen and deceptive content is penalized by google and hurt the steem market price.(not good for us).
if (you think, all the above is true) {
Show some support and upvote.
} else { don't = " :( ";}
to be continued...