creation heirarchy). When a lot of meaning is placed into words, it robs the speaker/writer the ability to speak and convey basic meaning. This is something George Orwell, author of 1982 and Animal Farm, rallies against in his literature.This is sort of why I dislike the Neologisms of the French. wiki on neologism here: (Something you're practicing with terms like
I would say our problems, although both share the domain of language, are different. Your issue pertains to reduction of meaning (correct me if I'm wrong). Whereas, my point is how a few words and phrases, "seem" being the selected example, are often used to obfuscate meaning, usually in conversation.
So I was practicing neologism and I did not know it. For example I invented this word.
Googlization: the collaboration between corporation and government to control the masses.
That's a really fun word. I might use it on conversation now, lol. There's nothing apparently wrong with inventing words though. It's just important to make sure that you don't lose control of your speech/point to the words you invent. That's when you have to go back and define things and you can run into loops. It's something to be aware of. I.E. if you can't reframe your ideas in layman's terms, then you probably don't understand the idea.