Hmm interesting, I don't think I have read anything by Newton, will definitely have to check him out.
As for the "accuracy" of the quatrain, or any of the quatrains, as I said in the 2nd article (soon to be posted here), this type of activity was a death sentence back in Nostradamus' time. Which is why he wrote in such an ambigious form so that he could hide it from the Church powers., That leaves a lot of room for interpretation and only in hindsight are most of his prophecies attached to actual events.
Even then there is much debate about what means what and if only a single quatrain refers to a single event or if as you pointed out, multiple quatrains can refer to the same event.
During my first reply, I used the term generally, I didn't interject any personal opinion in as I am of the personal belief that he wrote about the same event multiple times, depending on its "importance"
After all, he went into a trance and was unable to control his visions, its perfectly logical for him to have had "repeat" visions of very important events or turning points isn't it.
Anyways glad you enjoyed the 2nd article, one last one to come soon as I finish giving it a 3rd over lol.
Thanks. I'm more interested in some of your other stuff. I was captivated by all of Sitchin's books about Sumeria for several years, until I read the website. That ruined for me Sitchin's explanations, and now I have no "evidence" for the simple "aliens did it" answer to questions like how a sophisticated civilization seemingly just appeared out of thin air with no obvious progenitors.
I also like Lloyd Pye's stuff, although he died a few years back and seemingly invested (to my mind) far too much time trying to prove the off-world origin of what he called the Starchild skull.
Anyway, thanks again.
yeah sitchin is an interesting one, he was held high up for quite a few years, considering he was the first to "decipher" the ancient Sumerian language he was able to interject quite a few things that support his claims, not the other way around.
Just like everyone else in the world I doubt believe he is 100% wrong (pretty hard to be THAT wrong) but a lot of his theories have been debunked pretty heavily over the decades
I did the one intro on that subject and do plan on doing more since that is a very fascinating culture indeed
Yes, fascinating is an apt word for it. I look back on some of these ancient artifacts and cultures and it's very hard not to think aliens had some part in it.