The idea of entity that made everything within us and around us possible was either implemented into beings by such an entity or developed by the being(s) themselves. Countless numbers of philosophers, theologists, atheists or those who question reality not giving them technical , scientific terms, tried to explain why their view at the matter or metaphysics is the right one to follow. It is simply impossible to put a coherent and holistic compilation of these doctrines without creating larger categories that would only encompass their major directions without detailing individual spectrums of thoughts on the subject of their main representatives. Darwinism , spinozism, atheism, theology of church gnostics , to name a few, just like almost all beings that have activated process of existance or possible existance and ability of retrospection - have asked " Who has made me, who has created the world I live in?" . The simplest and the most common answer to this question is : "God". It seems like an easy explanation that asks however for specification if assumed to be possible. " Who or what is God?" would be the next question to follow. Lets assume something different though. Lets assume that the questioning being does not have another person available for giving an answer. Maybe even does not know how to ask this question in language, verbal or non-verbal, that could be understood by some other being. Can something or soneone find their answer without rekying on others and fokkowing someone else's ideas ? Also, how do we know if someone wants to know something if we cannot understand them or see them or hear them . Or if we do not know if they exist. This barrier of connection does not imply break in the "conversation" between created being and its creator. In my opinion all questions deserve answer, even with... silence that can be interpreted in multiple ways. Is the God silent ? Is God listening but not answering? I think science brings some suggestion that no. "God" always speaks to our senses and is present in everything. After this statement idea of a god figure created by churches seems like a caricature of real...image. Gods characteristics from the Bible and other texts have been stamped onto church believers for so long that awakening from long dream of separation between the creator and the creation is very painful to many of us (...)