Submitted my Final video entry into the Unity Neon Challenge.
20k USD on the line.
I'm probably not going to win, and that's okay. I learned a lot about the tools, and built some nice scenes and a look for a new world.
Here's a youtube link (though the vimeo video on the contest page above has much better compression):
As I said, I don't care about winning. Though the 20k USD would be really nice, it's still not enough to make a VR game. Not the game I want to make anyway. I'll be making a much better trailer now that I know what I'm doing, and then run a Kickstarter campaign.
Now that I'm on Steemit, maybe I can use this platform to help. Hopefully I get more followers by then. haha
Anyhoo. Have a look and let me know what you think. You can browse other entries HERE
As always, follow me @anticleric to keep up with my exciting life :P
Big pat on the back! @anticleric That looked fun to create. I am a VR head also... I am looking to find other VR enthusiasts here on steem and build a community so we can support each other and share our love for VR. If this is your first unity project then I am really looking forward to your game.
Cheers. I'm trying to get more VR devs on here. It's most definitely not my first unity project. haha
Hope you look forward to the game regardless ;)
Absolutely incredible work dude. If this doesn't win, I'd love to see the entrant that does. Love the atmosphere and foreboding that you portray throughout this. Granted, I watched it without sound, but it still came across well.
Thanks man :)
There are some really good ones up already, with just about 24 hours to go. I think a lot of people hold their cards close to their chest, where as I need constant pats on the back. haha
That said; I appreciate the pat on the back ;)
Wow, this is amazing. I'm glad I found your blog!
Thanks :) Glad you found me also!