Honestly, I decided to watch this film solely based on it’s title. Perhaps you clicked on this blog for this same reason. I’ll try not to give too much away in the post but if you’ve thought about seeing this movie, don’t waste anytime on this article and go watch. (Upvote on your way out ;)
Charlie Kaufman
is the genius behind this intense mindfuck of a film. He wrote it in 94’ collaborating with himself on the heels of writing Get a Life for Fox. How can one collaborate with themselves you ask? Well, so do I but that’s one of the ideas this film explores.
Log Line
A puppeteer discovers a portal that leads literally into the head of movie star John Malkovich.
Instead of regurgitating a plot synopsis that anyone could just copy and paste. I figured I just expand on the theme and my interpretation of what I saw in this film.
The Rundown
First and foremost the movie is hilarious and John Malkovich is a gifted actor to say the least. Once Craig Schwartz (John Cusak) discovers the portal into the mind of John Malkovich, he’s only able to stay for 15 before he’s ejected and materializes on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike. There’s no shortage of humour like this throughout the film.
I found the story of a complex love ... square and the obsession Craig develops for being John Malkovich to be wildly entertaining. With his own life in shambles he vicariously starts living his life through John Malkovich to have an affair with the women he loves at work. All the while John Malkovich (played by himself) tries to hold onto his own mind. It’s a satire and John Malkovich is a good sport at making fun of himself.
Charlie Kaufman is clearly a big fan of John Malkovich refusing to make the movie with anyone but John Malkovich. In the scene above, the joke reaches a hilarious climax.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Craig is a puppeteer. Nothing in this movie is a coincidence. It’s a creative exploration into the mind and being. Who are you? Is someone in your head controlling your every move? I know it’s just a movie, but I’d pay $200 to be John Malkovich for 15mins.
I say John Malkovich 10 times in this post :)
I thought the movie was quite interesting. However, why would you want to be someone else, even it is John Malkovich? Life is so unique and fascinating that I cannot help but think why did all those people want to be him. What were they escaping from? Boredom, depression, frustration?
All symptoms of a mindless consumeristic society, if I may say. It might be fun to be someone else for 15 minutes, but quite frankly doing something unique and daring in your own skin I much more fun.
I might have completely missed your point, if so I apologise 😬
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