What did you witness exactly? I do not see any biblical weight behind the pre-tribulation rapture theory. I totally agree, we are in the days of noah, and so it shall be just before the coming of the Son of man. All that is made manifest is becoming obvious, the elites power is crumbling away. But the antichrist is still on his way. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness will not over come it!
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This is hard to describe. I will try to do it with christian words.
Basically, I heard Jesus say to everyone, do you want plan A or plan B?
plan A. Leave the planet and go to heaven.
plan B. Stay on the planet and work to remove evil. Bring peace on earth.
Those that chose plan A died, near or about that time.
Those that chose plan B lived.
To most people, they basically paused for a moment, then shook their head, and continued on with there life like nothing happened.
Many many people left.
And then, our world(s) sorta combined to make up about the same number of people.
There are at least two separate groups here on earth now. Look into the Mandela Effect.