Make big payoffs from little ideas!

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

How to arrive at your next big thing or idea! Things you could use on your website, or seriously turn into big business.


Big things start out as little tiny things:

My motto is: “Cast on somewhere, one stitch at a time, one row at a time, and before you know it, you have completed a whole jersey!” 

Funny enough, little tiny concepts often stare us in the face for some time, before  we see their usefulness or value straight away. 

  • It may be a hobby you have enjoyed up till now. And suddenly, it has become popular, because you have added a new facet to it that has made it more appealing.
  • It may be something you’ve used for years at home to perhaps get rid of a stain. But now you can no longer find the ingredients in the shops. Realizing it’s an opportunity, it leads you to buy the ingredients in bulk and then decant it into smaller bottles for re-sale. 
  • It may have been an idea that keeps popping into your head and bugging you, but you’ve turned it down every time, thinking it’s too silly, frivolous or just plain crazy. 

Turn about:

You never know when your silly notion will become a powerful thing in your life. So pay attention to your feelings, to those ridiculous way-out ideas that sometimes suddenly and unexpectedly pop into our minds. 

  • Make notes of things you’ve learnt. And run through the thoughts you’ve had during the day. What stuck you as profound? Or facts that you could use again. Add your own spin on it. Things that suit your niche. 
  • Someday when you are reading through your notes, something might just click and fall into place. This happens to me quite often. I take an interesting statement, bridge it with something else, and Walla, I have an entirely new concept that I can run with. 
  • It could also be something you read and the way it was said, that sparked off a powerful WOW-moment. Using your imagination, the energy of the moment, the excitement and thrill of the concept, starts to spin into something really quite different. 

Your thoughts may come free! But, let’s face it, not every idea is useable. 

Even if ideas don’t come to anything, at least you’ve had a good private laugh cultivating those crazy ideas of yours! 

So it’s all very well having an idea, but, 

What are you going to do about it?

Document it so you can think through your options.

You need to valuate it. Who would want, need or crave it? What can people do with it? What’s so great about it? 

  1. Give it as many points as you can, why it’s so good and why it should work. 
  2. Then what’s not so good about it and why it wouldn’t work. 

Then weigh the positives against the negatives. How can you improve the situation? So there aren’t so many negatives. 

Can you afford it? How much financial and ready-stock capital do you have? 

What can you do with it, will it be enough? What if there’re things you can’t handle personally or don’t have the skills for? Who can you hire? Who do you know who has those skills? Can you afford them? At what point can you bring them into the fold? 

First step of action:

Make your first model and see who likes and responds positively to it or not. · Who are you going to contact first? Who likes that sort of thing? · Who can help you `get-it-off-the-ground’? Are they suitable and willing? 

Now plan your moves: 

If you are planning a business, I advise you to put together a business plan. Not only for the bank to accept, but I can personally say it puts everything into perspective. The costing and project forecast data sheet is a wakeup call, especially if you keep it up to date. 

Advertising: Are you going to start in a small way? Ideas are like seeds, you have to plant them in the right place! It has to ‘see-the-light-of-day’ before it’s acceptable. If your brand is really going to take-off effectively, you need to look at the global audience.  

Put things in order of action.

Now you’ve got your idea and what you need to do. It’s time to put it into gear. Turn the key and speed up the process, and go places with it. 

Warning: Just make sure you’re having fun doing your thing. And only have people joining in, that like what they’re doing. If people don’t like what they are doing, the project won’t last or succeed! And if people don’t like what you are doing… the whole thing will just fizzle out. 

Living our dreams:

We may know all about this, but how often do we do anything worthwhile about our dreams and hopes? 

Have you ever run with an idea? What did you do? How did things work out for you?  


A big fat yes! more then ten years ago I had a little crisis... not earning enough money as an artist (dance and choreography) but not ready to give up. At this point I had practiced yoga for many years and had also various teaching expiriences at university ( I have also studied history) but never thought of combining both to earn money. As you discribed it were topics which run through my brain but not very structured. One Day I decided to chnge this and attended a teacher training althoug it was expensive. But there everything fell in place. They did not have a teacher for philosophy and history... so while attending the training I directly started to work there and as I wrote do this for years now :-D
Thank you for writing down how to deconstruct a normally unconscious thought process, to make it accessible.
Followed you and hope to read more of this!

I often wonder why I did the things I did. It seemed like I wasn't getting anywhere. But now, I see all the knowledge and experience I gained has slotted into place.

Lovely idea


Wow! I like your thinking. I want to live my dreams but I'm not really sure what they are. I'll start a notebook. :) Thanks for the advice of making sure you are having fun and not surrounding yourself with negative folks. Fantastic post.

Love the idea of yours @artguru, it's like Steve Job's concept of connecting the dots. What we do may seemed to be useless for now, but we never know when we will able to use it. When the time comes, it is when we shine. For his case, his art class makes him good in design thinking.

For those who are interested, look up:

Thanks for the additional info

Damn you are absolutely right " Ideas are like seeds, you have to plant them in the right place! "

Great pointer! Thanks!

well said ... nice point of view

"one stick at a time, one row at a time" that's the hardest for me to follow with all sorts of diversions around

Yeah. Nowadays it is a lot a matter of luck and who Your information and content will get. You never know where it could end. And sometimes the smallest idea might become Your biggest success.

Nice post. This post recieved an upvote from theheralds. If you would like to recieve upvotes from theheralds on all your posts, simply FOLLOW@

I left a comment on your last post. But I must say, marriage isn't easy. It takes a lot of understanding from both parties.

I like this information a great deal. I'm an author and I do what you've posted here (except going to the bank with my ideas) for my story ideas. It is so interesting and fun to look back over my lists, some times I say, 'wow' that would really be cool, and then some times I wonder what the heck I was thinking. But it is always an interesting lesson to see what I'd come up with. This is valuable information.

I also make notes of interesting facts I could use. I check back every now and again, because I'm inclined to forget the things I would still like to do. It's like a refresher course, catch up and get things done.

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