Do you lie to your kids? chances are you do and you don't even know that you are doing it. this is my top 4 white lies we tell our kids.
Santa comes and brings you presents.
This one is my favourite lie that we still tell our children, but when some little bastard at school tells your kid the truth we quickly look like liars.Eat our carrots and you will see in the dark.
I always wanted super powers when I was a kid, and every-time there was a plate of carrots I would chow down hoping that at night I would be able to see in the dark. It never happened and I still tell my kids the same to this dayThe Easter Bunny brings you chocolate eggs
Since when do Bunnies poop eggs? My kids still think that the Easter bunny has left the eggs around the garden for them to find.Eating crusts will give you curly hair.
This one make me laugh, this saying must go back to when curly hair was in fashion, but again we still tell our kids the same lie. the funny thing about it is my kids don't want curly hair so they never eat their crusts.
And now we know why so many people are in therapy, It's all our parents faults but yet we still keep telling these white lies.
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I like following light hearted people!!
why thank you. :)
ive got to think about this one but I know my list is longer than yours! Lol mine are 14 and 16 so now it’s a little different in what we lie about but definitely still lies. :)
We had to tell our oldest the truth about santa last year as some little boy came along and told her. I said its not about santa, its about the magic of christmas and family, she understood.
Christmas time came and she made our 4 year olds christmas magic, and played along like we never told her.
Awww that's great. It's all about what you believe and what your family Christmas is about. My kids still have stockings and love the Santa side of things. So we still do it! :) I still won't forget when in the 3rd grade someone told me how dumb I was for believing in it. :( What you said, is just about exactly what my Mom told me.