a manifestation of your subconscious
Dreams are a manifestation of your subconscious speaking to you on a soul level. Your subconscious awakens in your dreams to show you your life's dreams and ambitions. Some believe that your subconscious is not only speaking to you on a soul level but, it is awakening a primal being to help you unlock your true destiny in life. Not every dream is a manifestation of your subconscious, take for example, that heated dream you had the other night, well its only purpose was to confuse you and leave you wanting. The dreams that are manifestations of your subconscious will leave you feeling as if a part of you is missing, that you need to be doing something spectacular, or fulfill a life dream you have been too terrified to try.
"Follow Your Dreams. They Know The Way".

For thousands of years, people have searched far off places and planets not suitable for life to try and uncover their real destiny here on earth. While they are searching for these answers, little did they know the answers can be found within. Their dreams tell them more about themselves than all the years of research combined. It is how human beings learn what they are truly made of, what they believe in the most and ultimately, what their true destiny is here on earth.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams". ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Don't just take my word for it. Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist, studied dreams and dream analysis for years. His theory highly emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind governing the behavior to a greater degree. Basically, the unconscious needed to be conscious and that dreams held a real significance to your life while awake. That every dream had a hidden meaning and if you could unlock the meaning to that dream you would uncover who you really were and what you were meant to do here on earth.
Many people interpret Sigmund Freud's dream analysis differently, which is how it is meant to be interpreted. I however, have come to believe that dreams are a manifestation of your subconscious speaking to your soul on a primal level. That your dreams can show you parts of yourself that you keep hidden away even to the closest people around you. Your dreams awaken you, guide you, and shape you for a better tomorrow. The only question is whether or not you will allow your dreams to influence your decisions and choices you make in life.
Think about this for a time, some of the most famous people who have come before us have declared that they woke up one day and 'felt' as if they had to make a change. How else can you explain that other than their dreams being a manifestation of their subconscious speaking to their soul. Showing them that if they changed something about themselves a better, brighter, door would open for them. It really does make you question exactly how deep this dream manifestation goes.
Tell me, what do you think dreams mean? Is there a bigger picture playing out while you are sleeping or do you feel as if dreams are just that 'dreams'?
Absolutely. How else would inspiration for change occur, if the seed itself had not been planted from the dream world?
I find that dreams are often expressions of our multidimensional selves, giving us the opportunity to heal fragmented pieces of our soul. Every time we find and restore a missing piece, we become more whole and functional beings.