FB - my internets too slow for me to find the link at mo. but it's there (unless censored)
#POSH #OCD Proof of share on
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/atmalove_the-day-that-freedom-died-peakd-activity-6648608334066835458-cI9d
FB - my internets too slow for me to find the link at mo. but it's there (unless censored)
#POSH #OCD Proof of share on
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/atmalove_the-day-that-freedom-died-peakd-activity-6648608334066835458-cI9d
Thank you, brother Atma. What do POSH and OCD mean, please? xx
#POSH means Proof of Share. When using this hashtag and #OCD (original content distributed) when sharing your Hive posts externally, they will get noticed and moderated (possibly voted upon and rehived) by the OCD curation community.
Thank you xx