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RE: [BLOG] No one expects a Flat Earther in their breakfast

in #blog4 years ago

This is honestly something I really struggle with... I often see something that I think "This is too stupid to be listened to... by anyone" but then who gets to decide what is ridiculous and what is incredible detective work actively being surpressed?

Hate speech is obviously the harder area... where people hide behind the intention of suppressing others as 'their right to their opinion'. I absolutely agree that Freedom of Speech include Freedom to Face Consequences of Your Speech, it's just hard to leave hateful things around... it seems messy.


It's critical to keep in mind that the moment that you arrogate to yourself the ability to decide what somebody else thinks or believes, no matter how stupid it is, you create a situation in which you have forged a weapon which will, inevitably, be used against you.

This doesn't matter if it's a conspiracy theory or "hate speech," which is a bullshit designation in the first place because what it really means is "speech which I find objectionable but don't want to be bothered with arguing against." It's lazy both physically and intellectually.

The moment that you look at someone else's speech and judge that "it's for the intention of suppressing others – therefore that gives me permission to suppress them," you have again forced to the weapon with which you will be suppressed and oppressed. That is the nature of the beast.

Life is messy. You want life to be messy. At every stage in your life, at every moment, in every place – someone else thinks you are the mess. You would much rather not be cleaned up, but to be able to claim that right you must simultaneously offer it to others.

Just imagine that every decision you wish to make for someone else is being implemented by someone who hates you and wants everything that you don't. Operate under that assumption and you can make better, clearer decisions.