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RE: My Life's Journey - Sharing some gorgeous sunsets with my fellow Steemians. Paola, Italy. :)

in #blog7 years ago

Again with the shirtless... Starting to feel like a piece of meat here.lolol :P

Well, I was not kidding. Where do I find the time or energy? It is simple. I enjoy doing it and getting to know people. :)

I think they are both amazing, but maybe like you I would put sunsets little bit above the sunrises. But, both give the same thing. Calmness and peace. :)


Hey, I did not mention shirtless .. only in response to you! LOL
Are you a piece of meat? ahahahahaah
yes, enjoyment is so very important. Hugs.
Yes, sunsets are so very amazing. Calm and peace. Yes!!! :)

That is just wrong to ask even... lolol :)

I am glad you enjoyed pictures. Peace and calm indeed. :)

Wait Barbara got 9cents and look at my first comment, it was a gem until you ruined my beautiful intention of sharing positivity with your shirtless self. LOL
Have a beautiful day Duro. :)