Since I just had a not light dinner i decided to do this.
My grandmother always says this:
Have breakfast like a king.
Have lunch like a prince.
Have dinner like a poor.
I usually pay attention to the first two but, when it comes to dinner... I may abuse according what can I do for dinner.
More than one time, I have had indigestion or reflux at late nights because I had two hot dogs or almost 4 slices of pizza before bed.
At nights, the body does digestion slower and you spent less calories, plus, having a light dinner can help you to improve your sleeping, digestion and help to maintain an adequate weight.
Some things that people recommends to have at night are:
- Low fat meats.
- Chicken.
- Yogurt.
- Fruits.
I am not saying that you can have hot dogs or hamburgers as dinner, because we all know that after a long day we sometimes want to congratulate ourselves with something delicious, the thing is having at least a 2 hours gap between dinner and sleep time, believe when I say that.
-Andrea, @awhsarada
I started practicing this last year (with daily exercise) and noticed that I've been losing weight faster.
I only take care of my meals with few exercise since I have some problems to keep my weight, I hardly gain but if I get sick I loose some weight like im on a diet.
Yea I try to keep my dinner's light on the carbs. I typically will have fish with some veggies and maybe a salad depends on what I feel like that day. It works for me. But much prefer to indulge of course haha
I would change fish for chick hahahaha most of my dinners are yogurt with some cereal or light sandwiches... When I am on the correct mood I have some chicken x)
haha I had some tilapia with a avocado yogurt sauce on top. Very good and highly recommend. You can put it on your chicken too haha
I would think about it XD