in #blog7 years ago


NIGERIA – Where are we Headed?

This is to express profound disappointment with the crisis at MAUTECH last night. The collective blame goes to the school management, students body, and the leadership of the students’ government administration.

College politics based on religious differences and other social identities could be regarded as the height of insanity. This thinking should have no place in the 21st century, especially amongst young undergraduates who are supposed to define and direct the future of our dear country.

I find it utterly disturbing to hear students running political campaigns through religious organizations on college campuses. I am curious to ask, what then is the university teaching such youngsters? What kind of training are they getting when such sensitive issues are allowed to control the decision of our youth?

I believe a typical college campus should serve as a training ground not just for academics but for the social growth and development of students, as well as other members of society. Proactive thinking with long term goals in students’ development will do away with considerable crises, instead of waiting until crises occurs before they are controlled via reactive strategy.


It is in this regard, that I urge university managements to work closely with students to create the requisite social environment and activities that will engage students to work, connect and tolerate each other’s differences. The government also needs to play their part in promoting and sponsoring a variety of social activities that bring youth together. Such activities could include seminars on core values, to pave way for creative channels of ending, or stemming the tide of violent extremism.

On one occasion, I witnessed an event at the Yola Grill & Chill organized by my very young company named BLogistics. At the event, I had the opportunity of interacting with hundreds of creative, energetic & entrepreneurial youngsters. This proved that the youth are right up there amongst the many things to be excited about Nigeria’s promising future when they are united.
