No les ha pasado que han soñado algo totalmente realista, sintiendo hasta el ambiente y han despertado por la emocion que sentian por los sucesos del mismo sueño? yo nunca habia soñado algo asi hasta hace poco, y necesitaba no lo se... escribirlo asi que aqui dejare una pequeña especie de historia la cual me dejo algo pensativa.
Estaba en una especie de corredor como en un tour en una empresa, ciertamente era yo, veia un cristal a mi derecha y logre ver mi rostro, mas mi cabello estaba mas largo y se notaba que estaba teñido, mas realmente en aquel momento no prestaba atencion a ello estaba realmente irritada, molesta, iracunda sin saber la razon estaba solo caminando sintiendo el frio en mis mejillas con aquellas arrugas tipicas entre las cejas debido al enojo, asi sin mas me ha detenido un chico de tal vez 1.85, asi mire a este con su piel blanca, mejillas pecosas, cabello negro decolorado a gris y algo largo, ojos claros y dije sin mas: "¿que quieres?", el solo sonrio y se inclino un poco hacia mi para susurrar a mi oido:"te veias muy bien de speady en enero", mi rostro paso de ser un sonrojo a estar totalmente rojo y mi mente en blanco asi mismo este se retiro de vuelta con sus amigos con una pequeña sonrisa en su rostro como si quisiera haber sacado eso de su cuerpo hacia mucho, mientras yo pensaba solo en llamar a una de mis mejores amigas mientras una especie de flash back pasaba por mi de una convencion de enero, yo en cosplay de spiderman siendo fotografiada con un deadpool, asi sin mas desperte sintiendo aquel frio del entorno de aquel pasillo.
It has not happened to you that you have dreamed something totally realistic, feeling up to the environment and have been awakened by the emotion you felt for the events of the same dream? I had never dreamed something like this until recently, and I needed to know ... I would write it down so here I will leave a small kind of story which left me with something thoughtful.
I was in a kind of corridor like in a tour in a company, it was certainly me, I saw a glass to my right and I managed to see my face, but my hair was longer and it was noticeable that it was dyed, but really at that moment it did not lend Attention to this was really irritated, annoyed, angry without knowing the reason I was just walking feeling the cold on my cheeks with those typical wrinkles between my eyebrows due to anger, so I was stopped by a guy of maybe 1.85, so look at this with his white skin, freckled cheeks, black hair discolored to gray and something long, light eyes and I said without more: "What do you want?", he just smiled and leaned a little towards me to whisper to my ear: "you You saw very well of speady in January, "my face went from being a blush to being completely red and my mind in white as he himself retired back with his friends with a small smile on his face as if he wanted to have taken that from his body towards a lot, while I thought sun or to call one of my best friends while a kind of flashback went through my convention in January, I in a spiderman cosplay being photographed with a deadpool, so without waking up feeling the cold of the environment of that corridor.