It's true.
It will sound dumb but it took me until a few years ago to realize I am only really attracted to smart women.
I am in my 40's now. All my life I was irritated by dummies around me, men or women.
Since I like females..... it took me until a few years ago to realize that one step was not just irritation.
I am just attracted to emotional and intellectual honesty and intelligence.
Emotional IQ is important but rarely talked about also.
Good post by you as always.
Love and appreciate your honesty @barrydutton xxx
-- the day it hit me, I actually felt really dumb.
Maybe I should question my own intelligence and emotional IQ more
hehehe.... nah ;) I am sure you are equally as amazing :) We are just more so... waahahahahaha (JOKE!!!) lol hehehe - was too good to resist! xxx
There were a ton of females present for the protest I led at city hall for my post up a few mins ago, I got along fine with them LOL