
I'm not advocating anyone break the law and get in trouble. it's a delicate situation that must be thought through very carefully. But much of man's law contradicts natural law and is the reason for "self-inflicted" suffering we experience in the world. A better choice would be to WALK AWAY and let their system of control collapse. We fund this system through our actions we take every day. We could find more work where taxes are not withheld, trade more, don't buy any products made by large corporations. Food, tv, banks, govt, large pharmaceutical​ co. STOP it all. The more​ people that walk away the sooner this evil system of control collapses. We are the ones, though our onw ignorance who's enslaving ourselves!

I've not been successful in finding work where taxes are not withheld. Currently I am living off my savings not in a bank but it will not last my life time. Any suggestions of types of jobs or gig that will help me becoming more self-sufficiant?

Just by becoming aware of it the subconscious will go to work to solve these problems for you and you"ll begin attracting situations/people/work into your life that support freedom. Be patient, keep thinking and taking small steps to disconnect and it will start to go. A few years from now you'll be proud of what you accomplished, what you stand for, and more importantly other people will notice and begin to follow. ​
Read the blogs, theres a lot thats coming. Ultimately the blog will focus on solutions once I get through explaining the problems. ​