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RE: Addressing downvotes. Recently, posts have been downvoted in our Informationwar and Deepdives community by non-community members

in #blog4 years ago

people gots to let shit go at times because right now there is more than enough pie for everyone to go around imho
it's a solid partnership , am looking forward to watching this evolve in a positive way.....things evolve


We ain't done yet :)

Last time we communicated you did me dirty. Are you saying I should just drop that? Lol you make your bed. And trust lost isn't easily gained back.

dude, this was aimed at everyone and you uv me so I was saying thanks back. Would you prefer to have me retract my vote on your comment then? no skin off my back

Lol don't care. Do as you wish.

And you did me.personally dirty and violated my trust.

Maybe it's not me that's the issue and the people speaking with you are tired of your behavior. Maybe you can make things right and maybe get some respect back. Or not.

You are free to be who you are and we are free to build who you are out of your actions.

this is true, the fact we both got our empathy taken advantage of by wire hippos years ago I really have gotten over ages ago but God Bless I'm interested in these two groups in which I'd like to personally see succeed. I leave Stinc history pretty much there

Ha. Not even an apology or any responsibility for your behavior.

Yeah by all means go your way. We arnt friends not do I wish to associate with you.

Best of luck and you haven't changed. And are the same person I met last time.

Shame. For all your new words and ideas you are the same person.

righty o, maybe take me off your voting list then cause this seems melodramatic and I suppose Tiger's don't change their stripes nor do I wish to associate with you. Easy enough, just mute each other and carry on :)

I'll do what I want. And by all.means be a hypocrite and go pretend to be a good person.

You know you arnt. Same behavior and backstabbing.

Have fun. Go be you.

I'll do what I want. Go have fun. I'm sure the rest of the community will see your behavior even if you didn't

And you even had a chance to apologize and make amends. Instead of shirking any personal responsibility.

Yep I've had enemies that I've had more respect for. You? I couldn't care less... Lol