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RE: Courage in Vulnerability - Walking the Walk, not just Talking the Talk

in #blog7 years ago

It's funny that i've read this great article right now, for is a very crucial period of my life: got to take lots of important decisions after years of pretending that everything was ok, putting my head in the sand for sooo long. What you wrote is truly resonating: in the end I've got to the conclusion that nobody expects you to be perfect, it's just the perception you have about others, maybe due to low self esteem... and I was denying my "vulnerability" (Weakness! Weakness!) not to disappoint the ones around me (or so i thought). It takes courage to speak the truth and to admit you are vulnerable, but man, after there's a lot of energy release. You feel more naked, yet stronger. It's a weird feeling, but nourishing too. Well, your writings gave me the chance of spitting this out so thumbs up and thank you again :) (ok ok i was supposed to go to sleep half an hour ago haha)


Wow, thank you for sharing a glimpse of your personal journey , it sounds very empowering what you experienced. it takes some self dedication to continue servicing our hearts and souls doesn't it.

Lol, yeah we all stretch our sleep time, can't be helped sometimes