Flip a beer coaster on a glas today! Why? Read the description ;)
Hello my few following steemions,
today is in Germany "Change-your-passowrd-day". For this event I recommend everyone to change your important passwords on a regural base and make sure save! 'password1234' is not safe for example. To make it a little bit more comfortable for yourself, you can use password manager programs. Some of them are good, where others are not. A short research will help you to figure out which programs are recommended here. For your steem account you might make use of a password manager program for example ^^ Did you also know that you can regenerate your steem password as well? Check your options ;)
Check her blog: fisselsbuntewelt.wordpress.com
Not on steemit right now, shame ^^OK, but why did I upload now this video for that content? It's because of a good friend of mine, so all honor to @fissel. She wished me a good "Bierdeckel Flip" day, which means "beer coaster flip" day. I asked why and she answered: "Don't you remember three years ago?" and my memory is just too bad, so I did not remember and she sent me this awesome video ;)
OK, that's it, enjoy your "password-change" day, Wednesday, 1st February, but whatever you do... Get yourself a beer coaster and flip it on a glas to celebrate the "beer coaster flip" day.
by @befaro